Looks like they forgot they have to release a card today😕
Looks like they forgot they have to release a card today😕
I cannot open December 3rd's card either, I guess they forgot to set it up before they left for the weekend. Given the only real advantage of buying the calendar is to 1) get cards one day in advance of release, and 2) one extra card on December 25th, with a drawback of unknowingly purchasing cards, half of the benifit is not realized for today. Wonder if they will make a "good faith" correction since we are not getting what was promised.
Looks like they forgot they have to release a card today😕
I cannot open December 3rd's card either, I guess they forgot to set it up before they left for the weekend. Given the only real advantage of buying the calendar is to 1) get cards one day in advance of release, and 2) one extra card on December 25th, with a drawback of unknowingly purchasing cards, half of the benifit is not realized for today. Wonder if they will make a "good faith" correction since we are not getting what was promised.
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