Ok, herewith my first shot at an iStripper strip-poker style gaming platform.
my first thoughts are about ~ what can we use for incentive to play ?
Money and Tokens/credits atm are out of the question for lots of obvious reasons.
A win should allow player to have a reward. Yes ? A few thoughts come to mind ;-)>
To keep it simple & in order to develop games platform, a reward could be:
starting with older cards and advancing through levels to play newer cards
starting with less nudity and advancing through levels to more nudity.
playing more favorite models ( we need a card personal ratings tag for this)
playing any level increment, configurable by the user.
For the latter, I see it as Totem needing to make the software work a tad differently.
For instance (as I was reminded talking to
@Breat44 recently) , the fullscreen clip selector
looks like it currently ...
a. chooses the clip it wants to play
b. then looks for a scene to fit that particular clip's allow:/ deny: properties.
In the scenario I'm putting forward, for games development to work, it is more useful for clip
selection to be the other way around ie:
1. select a clip playlist..eg: one of several levels lists set by user.
2. select scn. from that playlist
3. select clip with suitable 'allow/deny' properties
4. Play the show
Ok, having explained enough, here then is how it would look to me to be playing such a game.
The levels described are just theoretical 'clip populated playlists' at this time
The rewards and jumps to next level do not work atm ofc.
I've purposely not put this test 'announcements' version in the share thread as it may only
serve to ***** people expecting level rewards to lock in somehow & work.
I have left the component artwork: ball, wheel and announcemnt texture templates in a spare
folder for peeps to make easy adjustments if they want.
@Wyld you have all raised an interesting point.
I would be keen to develop reward levels based on category: preferences for instance.
The principle is simple.
We all like different girls & types of girls..
ET may choose to put certain Anna Tatu clips in his level 4's.
A holy of holies babes level, as it were. Others may want something different.
We do not have to gamble for money here. We can gamble for sexual attractiveness
without risking a dime. The .scn platform is not yet adapted to a proper game, however
its food for thought in where we take games development thats do-able by our members
and perhaps with the help of the
@Team even . zip size = 8.65 MB
Enough said..Enjoy ~ Let the games begin !!!