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Присоединился в Jul 2012

3309 Сообщения
14 June 2022 (edited)
I have just corrected my mistakes about the the axis you need to rotate about, I got X and Y mixed up in the original version of this post)


In general creating shadows that properly align with those in a background image is very difficult, but there are some simple special cases where the shadow is directly behind or in front of the item casting the shadow.

Let us start by considering a clip as if it was a rectangular playing card standing upright on a horizontal surface. A shadow cast by this by a very distant point light will be a dark parallelogram lying on the horizontal surface and will meet the rectangle casting the shadow at the base of that rectangle. The horizontal width of the the shadow will be equal to that of the rectangle but its height and the angles between its sides will vary depending on the direction of the light source.

To transform the original rectangle into an image of its shadow can be regarded as comprising

    a rotation by 90 degrees (to get it into the horizontal plane)
    a vertical scaling (to lengthen or shorten it)
    a shear transform (to convert it to a parallelogram)

and these transforms are those that would need to be applied if the rectangle is replaced by any flat image (such as that of an iStripper clip).

The first two of these transforms are simple (e.g. Rot: 90,0,0) and a scaling (e.g. scale: 1.0,0.5,1.0) but there is no simple way to do the shear transform.

If the light source casting the shadow is directly in front of or behind the flat object casting the shadow then no shear transform is needed and we can generate a shadow just by applying a vertical scale factor and rotating about the base of the clip by plus or minus 90 degrees about the clip's X axis.

In a 2D scene you can't rotate about the X axis (or about Y, only about Z) but the lengthening or shortening of the shadow can be adjusted to have the same visual effect.

If the light is coming from a slightly different direction then reasonable shadows can still be created by applying a small rotation about the Z axis, but this can never be perfect (think of the playing card approximation where dong this would men that bases of the shadow and the original object would not meet except at a single point).

The above only considers the very simplest cases. To generate realistic looking shadows you also need to consider what happens if the light source is not very distant and is not a point source. To model the effects of these you really need to make the shadow have soft edges and to taper.

The soft edges can be approximated by using a blur filter but the tapering is more difficult. Like the shear there is no way to do it using just .scn file features and you have to resort to using a filter.

I have produced a couple of "shadow" filters - they can be found in the EmuLib "toolbox" - but they are rather difficult to use (at least I have difficulties using them). As with all the EmuLib shaders there are some simple test scenes and I use them in a very small number of realistic scenes - e.g. the Woodland Border scene (which is in the Misc Scenes zip)


The user interface to my Shadow shaders is ***** becaue the parameters controlling it interract with each other in ways that mean that if you set the parameters for one aspect so that it looks OK then change a parameter for different aspect you need to go back and tweak the first set - which is the main reason why using it is not easy. At some point I hope to go back and find a better, more user friendly, way of doing all this - but I have been saying that to myself for a few years now. I also should look into using vertex shaders to perform the required shape transformations.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
14 June 2022

Thank you for clarifying my shadow dilemma with an in depth analysis and explanation. Sandi and I are very lucky to have you as our mentor for these scene creations. Everything we have done so far is inspired by your vast library of scenes and your thorough knowledge of the iStripper interface mixed in with our imaginations.

I have already studied the Woodland Border scene and was very impressed by how you managed to create a shadow onto the prisoner in the cage of the sentry box. Pure genius as you achieved an almost impossible task with the limitations of the iStripper interface. I was also impressed by the blur effect of the shadows creating an amazing effect.

I know we are taking on more than we can chew in our preliminary stages of scene creations but every lesson learnt will only benefit us in the long run as we create more enjoyable scenes for all members to enjoy.

When I say that I get stressed when making fine tune adjustments to any of our scenes I use the term loosely as the stress level is minimal and it doesn't sound as severe as I may express it. There are always a degree of stress when faced with any form of adversity/difficulty which is part of the learning process and we both just luv learning new things and create challenges that keeps our spirits young and free. Mind you Sandi is quite younger than I am and I am blessed to have her in my life and I just luv her enthusiasm, creativity, her impulsiveness and her love for life which is kind of rare these days. She keeps my old ass young lol and together we luv to take on challenges that others would never even dare to try.

That being said, together we always find a solution to any problems that we face as a team and we are always there for each other no matter what. She's priceless and she just luvs learning and creating these scenes with me.

With your guidance and help we have achieved something that was inspired by an idea and considered to be a challenge beyond anything we have ever tried before and together we have overcame an obstacle where many would have never even attempted. For that we are very grateful and appreciative for everything you have done for us in the last few months.

We will study and experiment with these shadow problems and do understand the limitations of this interface but all in all we are soooo impressed with what one can actually achieve within the parameters of the iStripper interface.

To have an idea from our imaginations and see it get created on screen is probably the greatest joy we have had within the last few years during these turbulent times with the senseless war in Ukraine and the plandemic and big corporations price gouging for there own greedy needs that is turning this world as we know it upside down. No matter what kind of endless chaos that this World presents to all of us we both like to rise above it and create our own memories and happiness. This iStripper interface has given us both some very memorable moments and the least we can do is to return the favor. If we can make a few smile than we have accomplished our goals.

So thank you again @TheEmu for your continuous guidance and for sharing your invaluable knowledge and wisdom to help us create these simple little scenes to not only entertain ourselves with but for all members of iStripper. It's not just a sex tool but something much larger than that. It has freed us from the shackles of corrupted governments worldwide and all of the chaos we see on the news everyday especially within the last 3 years. It gives us something to look forward to and creates everlasting memories that we will cherish for a lifetime.

Much Love and Big Hugs @TheEmu and all other members who have reached out and assisted us in this unique venture. 💕

As Sandi would say: Keep it Sexy!!! 😉
Присоединился в Jul 2012

3309 Сообщения
14 June 2022

I have been thinking a little more about shadows without resorting to using a shader (except for blurring0.

Again consider a 3D scene in which a rectangular playing card is standing on a horizontal plane and that the hotspot for the rectangle is (o.5,0.0), i.e. the midpoint of its base (which is the case for normal standing clips, pole clips, glass clips and cage clips), You can generate a shadow for this rectangle by performing the following sequence of rotations

1) Rotating about its X axis by plus or minus 90 degrees
2) Then rotating about its new Z axis to have it point in the desired direction

But if only this is done the baselines of the original rectangle and the shadow will not coincide but will take the form of a X lying on the horizontal plane -which only looks OK if the angle between the two baselines is small.

However, when looked at from a fixed camera position the baselines of the original rectangle and its shadow can be made to appear to coincide by rotating the shadow about its new Y axis (coupled with a small rescaling to stretch it in the X direction). The two lines will not actually be coincident in 3D space but with the correct amount of rotation and stretching can look as if they are as long as the camera is not moved.

Doing it this way is easiest if you apply the rotations sequentially, which you can do by nesting the copy of the clip used as the shadow in couple of other nodes (simple Node nodes can be used) as that way you can adjust each of the angles separately which makes tweaking them relatively easy. Alternatively you can combine the three rotations, one about each of the three axes, into a single rotation but in this case the values needed for each of the X,Y,Z components of the combined rotation are harder to determine.

if you do decide to try this then I would suggest using a simple rectangle (using a Quad node) as a proxy object for the clip and position its shadow where you want it and then replace the rectangle with a ClipSprite when you are satisfied with the shadow.

It should also be noted that in most cases the position used for the camera in a 3D scene will not actually such that it properly matches that used for the background and there would be a perspective mismatch if the initial rotation about the X axis was by plus or minus 90 degrees - but all this means is that you need to rotate by some different angle until the rotated rectangle looks as if it is lying parallel to the horizontal plane of the background.

I don't have time to create an example showing this at the moment - maybe I will be able to do so tomorrow.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)
Hello Everyone!

Well we fixed the 'Lesbian Orgy n Roommate' scenes. We changed the floor texture which we found was more suitable for that scene and put the pole dancer platform leveled with the floor. We also got rid of the pole in the 'Roommates scene and we fixed the name sprites. One last thing we kept the category babydoll, lingerie in the original Roommate scene but added Roommate 2 which has no restrictions with the categories.

We didn't know what to do for the older clips with the lower leg issues considering how the beds are designed. We could have easily use luggage or something to compensate in the lower beds but we couldn't find a fix for the upper beds so we decided to keep the scene as is without clutter. With the slow zoom effect and the fact that the girls feet are usually up on the bed within a scene or two it shouldn't really matter. With the Lesbian Orgy scene in full bloom it just won't matter anymore lol!

One last thing, is that we put all 3 scenes into 1 folder. We hope you enjoy the modifications n choices!

Much Luv n Big Hugs!!💕 Sandi says: 'Keep It Sexy!!!
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
15 June 2022

Hmm! Genius! I would have never thought about slightly stretching the shadow in its x axis to create the desired effect for the Treehouse scene. Luv It!

Thank you so much!!!
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)
Ooups!!! lol I gave you all the wrong link lol

Try this one: lol

edit: Just tested it to make sure and it's a go!!! lol
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)

Try the the link just above your comment! lol Sorry I messed up! Sandi is laughing at me! We had a few glasses of wine and after reading @TheEmu comment I guess I was focused on the treehouse scene focusing on his solution for the shadow effect. lol

Essayez le lien juste au dessus de votre commentaire ! lol Désolé j'ai foiré ! Sandi se moque de moi ! Nous avons bu quelques verres de vin et après avoir lu le commentaire de @TheEmu, je suppose que j'étais concentré sur la scène de la cabane dans les arbres en me concentrant sur sa solution pour l'effet d'ombre. lol
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1342 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)
Thanks @Zantiev.

All three scenes are OK. The only problem left is the shadows.

But I think you're on the right track to get there.

For the Lesbian Orgy scene (Zoom), I just find it empty to have a pole without a dancer. But I don't know what would fill that void, a pole with 4 spotlights that change colors, or different colors that flash towards the girls? I don't know. Maybe it's okay to keep it that way and then not. Maybe it would be too busy after all.

It is not my intention to add to your work. I was just giving an idea like that.

Merci @Zantiev.

Les trois scènes sont OK. Il ne reste que le problème des ombres.

Mais je crois que vous êtes sur la bonne voie pour y parvenir.

Pour la scènes Lesbian Orgy (Zoom), je trouve juste que cela fait vide un poteau sans danseuse. Mais je ne sais pas ce qui pourrait combler ce vide, Un poteau avec 4 projecteurs qui changent de couleurs, ou de couleur différentes qui clignotent en direction des filles ? Je ne sais pas. Peut-être que c'est correct que ça reste ainsi Et puis non. Cela ferait peut-être trop chargé finalement.

Loin de moi l'intention de vous ajouter du travail. Je donnais juste une idée comme cela.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)

Yeah we talked about adding lights to the scenes and a pole dancer for the duo but we didn't know if it would be too hard on the CPU considering there are 4 duo's in one scene and 5 singles in the other 2. We also discussed on darkening the background scene a bit if we would've used lights to create a sexy ambiance effect. But we figured we'll keep as is and wait for some feedback. I do like the way you think! I wasn't sure if shadows were actually needed or not, maybe for the pole dancer and the two on the bottom beds?

Oui, nous avons parlé d'ajouter des lumières aux scènes et un pole dance pour le duo, mais nous ne savions pas si ce serait trop dur pour le processeur étant donné qu'il y a 4 duos dans une scène et 5 singles dans les 2 autres. Nous avons également discuté sur l'assombrissement un peu de la scène d'arrière-plan si nous aurions utilisé des lumières pour créer un effet d'ambiance sexy. Mais nous avons pensé que nous allons garder tel quel et attendre des commentaires. J'aime ta façon de penser !
Je n'étais pas sûr si les ombres étaient réellement nécessaires ou non, peut-être pour le pole dancer et les deux sur les lits du bas ?
Присоединился в Jul 2012

3309 Сообщения
15 June 2022 (edited)

A few ***** extra, hopefully helpful, hints for when you are trying to orientate shadows.

Firstly, if you use my suggestion of starting by using a rectangle, a Quad, in place of a ClipSprite to determine the rotations and scale factors that you need to apply then make the one casting a shadow be one colour and semi-transparent and the one used as its shadow a different colour and also semi-transparent. That way you can see everything while you are adjusting the various parameters involved in positioning and orientating them.

Secondly, it is often convenient to group the object and its shadow into a single compound object by nesting them inside a Node so that you can ***** them as a group rather than individually.

Thirdly, when you have switched to using a ClipSprite I find it best to initially use a Pole dance clip - the pole and its shadow then act as good steady references that you can check against each other and the background.

Fourthly, in terms of the order of the "layers" in the scene the shadow ClipSprite should always be placed behind the ClipSprite it is a shadow of even if visually it is in front of it (otherwise you can get the shadow of a model's foot appearing on the foot itself rather than the other way round). This also applies to reflections from a floor.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
16 June 2022

I have been experimenting with shadows doing as you suggested with the rectangle (a quad) instead of the clip sprite and you are right it is much easier to ***** the shadows and it's placement but it is still very tricky to get the effect needed. Mind you with a little more tweaking I may find a solution after all. I also like your suggestion about using semi-transparency and using different colors instead of the black shadows I've been using. Unfortunately Sandi's friend flew down from Calgary for the weekend so I won't be able to continue experimenting until Monday as we will be very busy unless I can find a little free time to slip away lol.

Sandy does all of the graphic editing for all the scenes even with some of the royalty free pics we found online. She did an amazing job extending the deck and filling in the gaps in the treehouse series and re-editing the Lesbian Orgy scene as it was just a rectangular single bunk bed pic that was a smaller with the pole directly in the center of the bunk beds and she did a great job creating the Naked News scene from scratch using Gimp in which was her 1st attempt while learning that software. But after checking out some of your files we noticed the 3D rendering is what we should be more focused on as the quality of the pics you used are outstanding compared to what we have been designing.

We are learning Blender 3.1 mostly because it's free and there are a lot of free textures and objects but there's still a lot to learn and the textures and objects we really wanted comes at a cost unless we learn to create them from scratch which is very time consuming. She managed to create a bedroom scene following a tutorial on Youtube as an experiment to learn how to create rooms but the elements and objects we had didn't really satisfy what we wanted to accomplish but at least we now understand the basics on how to create rooms using Blender. We really want to design a futuristic strip club and so forth. lol

We also plan on creating some other futuristic sci-fi scenes for some future projects we have in mind and was inspired by Miwd scenes with the blue and green aliens which we thought were really cool. Finding the right textures and objects with Blender again comes at a cost unless we learn how to do it ourselves. Out of curiosity what rendering program did you use when creating scenes? Like in your house series the graphics were amazing and super clear. We sure could use some advice when it comes to creating 3D background pics.

Hopefully we can finish fixing all of our scenes by the end of next week hopefully sooner. I'm still having issues with the water shader for the camping scene and I can't seem to get the proper slightly rocking motion wanted for the boats especially the one near the shoreline because of the tall grass in front of it but I am still working on it. We may have to cut the grass hehe and replace that boat. I haven't really had the chance to tweak it out yet as we have been primarily focused on fixing all of our scenes one at a time. Our next fix will be the Naked News scene as we are going to add more backgrounds for the center screen but we kind of want to add something extra for that scene. Maybe we are trying too hard and overthinking it for that scene but it still looks a little flat to us especially in the foreground. I was thinking about maybe adding some studio camera's in the foreground and possibly changing the flooring which may be the fix we need for that scene. Would you have any advice for us to make that scene even better or do you find it is fine as it is? We did fix the name sprites of course. What did you think about the lighting? We tried to make the little white lights change at random times but maybe we could have made them a little brighter. The spotlights are cool but the lighting of the image doesn't give it justice for the effect we desired.

Sorry for all of the questions! We just don't want to have to go through what we have been through within the last few weeks with fixing everything we submitted lol. We learnt a valuable rookie lesson that won't be repeated in future releases. All of our scenes are free to modify if anyone desires to do so to make them even better. That is what they are there for and considering we are just in the learning phases of scene development we can learn from any modifications done to any of them. Just let us know so that we can enjoy them even more and learn from the modifications.

Thanks for all of your invaluable input and suggestions. We truly appreciate it a lot!!! Big Hugs!💕
Присоединился в Jul 2012

3309 Сообщения
16 June 2022

I do not create my own backgrounds - I am a terrible artist.

I mainly used pictures that I find via Google image search after restricting it to only display royalty free images (I see that they have changed that area of the program since I last used it so now the choice is between Creative Common and Commercial licenses, the choice used to be worded differently).

A search for "free image sites" will also turn up some useful resources.

A few of the backgrounds are my own photographs (such as the Woodland Border).

I use Gimp to edit them - sometimes adding objects found elsewhere to an existing image (e.g. the sentry box in the Woodland Border scene).
Присоединился в Oct 2009

2519 Сообщения
18 June 2022 (edited)
Been tending to use model opacity animation along with combined shaders more lately.
Here is such a scene that is light on memory. Perhaps someone can remix it some more
in discussion..

zip size = 121 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
Remixed to Beatles :-)
Всё о iStripper / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here
Присоединился в May 2022

399 Сообщения
19 June 2022
Hi there

I only joined recently and wanted to share a scene that I have made. I was working on one with moving perspective when I found @EverthangForever had done similar with FG024 for glass clips. Here's my rework of that. You'll need at least 7 glass clips for it to work nicely.
Присоединился в Oct 2009

2519 Сообщения
21 June 2022 (edited)
Moving right along..
Here are another eleven WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run
&/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG350 to FG356 use zoom
animation on clips. Standing or floor work applies to all scenes.

zip size = 178 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
Всё о iStripper / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here I was the one that stumbled on it using the occluding shader along time ago. It was/is a great use for perminent model signs. @DANO70 yes I...
..remixed to The Beatles - 'Free as a Bird'
Присоединился в Oct 2009

2519 Сообщения
23 June 2022 (edited)
Another eleven selected WebGL shaders converted to OpenGL to run
&/or remix on iStripper's OpenGL platform. FG367 uses pole & cage clips.
FG371 uses only pole clips. Standing or floor work randomly applies to
all other scenes.

zip size = 180 Kb .
Extract the zip straight to ../scenes folder. Allow merged folders
and allow to overwrite any existing same name file.
Всё о iStripper / Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here Lately when confronted by demanding shaders, I have noticed that my previous practice of running them from reduced size substrates in a fram...
Присоединился в Jan 2009

47 Сообщения
28 June 2022

I haven't cheked out this thread for a while and just noticed all of your recent fullscreen posts. Unfotunately none of the gdrive links seems to be still active. Would you consider a repost for me?
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
29 June 2022

Sorry about that. I was fixing all of the scenes as they had a few mistakes in every one of them and I was planning to repost some new links on Sunday but I had a crazy busy day with some unexpected company and with the Gf arriving back from holidays. I'm just finishing up fixing them and I'll repost some new links either later on tonight after band practice or the latest tmw night.
Присоединился в Jan 2009

47 Сообщения
29 June 2022

Thanks. I'll check back after the weekend.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
30 June 2022 (edited)
Hello! I deactivated all prior links to my Scenes because of the many mistakes in them in which I deeply apologize for.

I would suggest for those who have already downloaded the 'Camping' Scenes to delete them from your Scenes Folder and just upload these instead because I had change some of the titles to the scn files as I added extra Scenes. For the other Scenes just overwrite and everything should be fine. I also added shadows to the 'Treehouse' Scenes n adjusted 2 signs to compensate for duo's names on the wooden planks. I purposely omitted the shadows in 'Camping' scenes 4/4b-Friends join In! because of complications with the shadows. The rest have shadows except for the girls in the boats as I didn't feel it was needed and you couldn't really see them anyways.

I almost forgot! I also added 'The Boys Camping' scene in the 'Friend's Camping' scenes folder as Sandi wanted me to add them for the ladies/gentlemen who have them in their collection. She ***** that I didn't have any Scenes especially consisting of men only and all were created for the female cards. lol I explained to her about the playlist feature but it didn't matter lol. So I created some for her while she was on Holidays and just released this one. lol She luvs them!!! lol

I may have forgotten to add shadows to the 'The Boys Camping' scene.

Here's 4 for now as I am still working on the others.

Ace's Up!:

Friend's Camping:

Computer Geek:


Thanks and Enjoy!
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
30 June 2022
Sure enough I forgot to add shadows to the 'The Boys Camping' scene but I fixed it n you should be good to go now with the same link for those who are interested and if you're not just delete that file with it's cache file from the folder. That is the only all male Scene in that folder.

Thanks again!
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1342 Сообщения
30 June 2022 (edited)
Thanks a lot to you @Zantiev and your girlfriend for these scenes.

It's much better in the shadows.

Only the scenes "Zantiev -4- Friend's Join In!" and "Zantiev -4b- Friend's Join In!", the shadows are missing under the girls. Also I wonder about the relevance of leaving the two rowboats in these scenes, since the girls are not visible most of the time, being hidden by the 2 couples in the foreground. Maybe the two rowboats would be better positioned in the center in these two scenes?

I was also wondering if the shadow of the girl on the small gallery landing was necessary in the "Zantiev - Treehouse" scene, since behind it is the wood, which seems quite far from the girl. It gives the impression that she is in front of a wall with a wallpaper. But I may be wrong in this case. It's up to you to decide.

Small question, what is the difference between the scene "Zantiev - Ace's Up! II" & ¨"Zantiev - Ace's Up!" ? I don't seem to see any.

Merci beaucoup à vous @Zantiev et à votre copine pour ces scènes.

C'est beaucoup mieux au niveau des ombres.

Il n'y a que les scènes "Zantiev -4- Friend's Join In!" et "Zantiev -4b- Friend's Join In!", dont les ombres sont absentes sous les filles. De plus je me questionne sur la pertinence de laisser les deux chaloupes dans ces scènes, puisque les filles ne sont pas visibles la majorité du temps, étant cachées par les 2 couples en avant plan. Peut-être que les deux chaloupes seraient mieux positionnées au centre dans ces deux scènes ?

Je me demandais aussi si l'ombre de la fille sur le petit palier de gallerie était nécessaire dans la scène "Zantiev - Treehouse", puisque derrière c'est le bois, qui semble assez loin de la fille. Cela donne l'impresion qu'elle est devant un mur avec un papier peint. Mais je peux être dans l'erreur dans ce cas. C'est à vous de décider.

Petite question, quelle est la différence entre la scène "Zantiev - Ace's Up! II" & ¨"Zantiev - Ace's Up!" ? Il me semble ne pas en voir.
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
30 June 2022 (edited)
in the the scenes "Zantiev -4- Friend's Join In!" and "Zantiev -4b- Friend's Join In!", the shadows are missing under the girls.

Yeah I did mention it in my comment as I had problems with the shadows in that scene as their lower legs would appear behind them and I just couldn't solve the problem even by using a mask. I think because there are 2 girls in the tent I would have needed to isolate their shadows by using framebuffers and I'm not sure how to do that yet.

And yes I agree with you with either or not the shadow was really needed for the lower landing as I didn't like it either so I'll fix that now and update the link above. Gimme 15 min to fix that.

The Ace's up scene was restricted to dress and secretary categories whereas the Ace's up II scene had no restrictions. I really didn't know if the Ace's up II scene was even worth adding.
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1342 Сообщения
30 June 2022
For the "Ace's Up" scenes, it would be nice to add the details of the differences under the scene preview. Like you did for other scenes.

Thank you!

Pour les scènes "Ace's Up", ce seraient bien d'ajouter les détails des différences sous les aperçu des scenes. Comme vous l'avez fait pour d'autres scènes.

Merci !
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
30 June 2022 (edited)

I just fixed the lower deck shadow problem in the 'Treehouse' scenes and fixed the missing text folder in the 'Ace's up!' scenes and updated the links!

Sorry about that!

Je viens de corriger le problème d'ombre du pont inférieur dans les scènes 'Treehouse' et de corriger le dossier de texte manquant dans 'Ace's up!' scènes et mis à jour les liens !

Désolé pour ça!
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1342 Сообщения
30 June 2022
As for the "Treehouse" & "Computer Geek" scenes, for me everything is perfect.

As I said there would be only the descriptions of the differences to add in the previews of the "Ace's Up" scenes.

When it will be possible for you, to add the shadows under the girls of the scenes "Zantiev -4- Friend's Join In!" and "Zantiev -4b- Friend's Join In!". For the rest everything is OK.

There is the positioning of the boats in these two scenes which personally annoys me, considering the little vision of the girls in them. But that's me. Maybe for others it's OK.

Thanks again for everything. Excellent work. 😊

Pour ce qui est des scènes "Treehouse" & "Computer Geek", pour moi tout est parfait.

Comme je le disais il n'y aurait que les descriptifs des différences à ajouter dans les aperçus des scènes "Ace's Up".

Lorsque ce sera possible pour vous, d'ajouter les ombres sous les filles des scènes "Zantiev -4- Friend's Join In!" et "Zantiev -4b- Friend's Join In!". Car pour le reste tout est OK.

Il y a le positionnement des barques dans ces deux scènes qui personnellement m'agace, vu le peu de vision des filles dans celles-ci. Mais c'est moi. Peut-être que pour d'autres, c'est OK.

Encore merci pour tout. Excellent travail. 😊
Присоединился в Apr 2021

62 Сообщения
30 June 2022 (edited)

Since you have already downloaded the 'Ace's Up! scenes with the missing text folder and re-downloaded the fix sometimes the descriptions still won't appear. Just erase the 2 cache files associated with both Scenes inside the 'Ace's Up!' folder and you should now get the descriptions for both Scenes with new cache files. It's a little glitch with the iStripper interface.

You are right about the 'Zantiev - 4/4b-Friend's Join In!' scenes. I will try to fix the shadow issues for those scenes and reposition the boats in the central location. I didn't really want to submit those scenes in the 'Friends Camping' folder as we knew it still needed a little work as I really struggled with making the shadows work for those particular Scenes so I just omitted them entirely for now.

Unfortunately we have a full weekend with the Canada Day celebrations performing 2 out of town gigs with the band for 2 private parties but we will tackle those 2 scenes the 1st chance we get on Monday when we get back.

We are so happy that you enjoy the other scenes and are both very thankful for pointing out any flaws in our Scenes and for suggesting ways to improve them.

Big Hugs from the both of Us!!💕

Vous avez raison à propos du 'Zantiev - 4/4b-Friend's Join In!' scènes. Je vais essayer de résoudre les problèmes d'ombre pour ces scènes et de repositionner les bateaux dans l'emplacement central. Je ne voulais pas vraiment soumettre ces scènes dans le dossier 'Friends Camping' car nous savions qu'il fallait encore un peu de travail car j'avais vraiment du mal à faire fonctionner les ombres pour ces scènes particulières, donc je les ai simplement omis entièrement pour l'instant.

Malheureusement, nous avons un week-end complet avec les célébrations de la fête du Canada avec 2 concerts à l'extérieur de la ville avec le groupe pour 2 soirées privées, mais nous aborderons ces 2 scènes à la première occasion lundi à notre retour.

Nous sommes si heureux que vous appréciez les autres scènes et nous sommes tous les deux très reconnaissants d'avoir signalé les défauts de nos scènes et d'avoir suggéré des moyens de les améliorer.

Big Hugs de nous deux !! 💕
Присоединился в Aug 2017

1342 Сообщения
30 June 2022
Yes indeed, the descriptions are there now.

Again, a big thank you to both of you. 😊

Oui en effet, les descriptions sont bien présentes maintenant.

Encore un gros merci à vous deux. 😊
Присоединился в Sep 2021

1 Сообщения
3 July 2022
Anyone still have the Red_Window scene? All current links are broken.

I made a decent remix of it, and I want to try to do it again, but I need the original picture.

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