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Последние сообщения - Страница 2


Присоединился в Oct 2009
4419 Сообщения

Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

Всё о iStripper
1 день назад, 5000 Ответы
J'avais l'habitude de penser que c'était parce que mon ancienne carte graphique n'était pas assez puissante, mais avec mon PC actuel, ce n'est plus le cas. Je pense que cela se produit tout autant lorsque le programme est réglé sur CPU que sur GPU. Faites-vous l'expérience de temps en temps ? Je me demandais si cela pouvait être dû à un petit retard dans la mémoire tampon ?

Je n'ai pas été en mesure de reproduire sur mon système le blocage du mouvement du shader que vous rencontrez

À intervalles irréguliers, le mouvement s'arrête environ 1 seconde. Cela ne semble pas se produire dans le mouvement des filles,
C'est inhabituel... Dans mon cas, le bégaiement du mouvement des filles précède généralement le bégaiement du shader.

Ma plate-forme est un GPU beaucoup moins puissant que le vôtre, c'est-à-dire : NVIDIA GeForce GT730, donc je m'attendrais à rencontrer des problèmes similaires à ce que vous décrivez ou pire, mais je ne vois que le mouvement du shader stagner dans certains shaders qui ont été trop intensifs graphiquement pour que je puisse les publier.
Dans tous les cas, le mouvement des filles est affecté de la même manière.
J'utilise toujours le lecteur v1.2.552 donc je ne peux pas parler pour la v2.
Des choses étranges peuvent se produire lorsque votre PC est à mi-chemin d'une mise à jour hebdomadaire de Windows et attend d'être redémarré. Vérifiez que ce n'est pas le cas avec vous.
I used to think it was because my old graphics card wasn't powerful enough, but with my current PC, that's no longer the case. I think it happens just as much when the program is set to CPU as GPU. Do you experience this from time to time? I was wondering if it could be due to a small delay in the buffer memory?
I have been unable to replicate on my system the stalling of the shader movement which you are encountering
at irregular intervals, the movement stops 1 second or so. This doesn't seem to happen in the girls' movement,
That is unusual... In my case, ( for graphically intensive scenes )..stuttering of the girls' movement usually precedes shader stuttering.

My rig is much lower power GPU than yours ie: NVIDIA GeForce GT730 so I would expect to experience similar issues to what you describe or worse, however I only see the shader movement stalling in certain shaders which have been too graphically intensive for me to publish. In all such cases the girls' movement is similarly affected.
I am still using the player v1.2.552 so I cannot speak for v2.
Strange things can happen when your PC is half way through a weekly Windows update and awaiting reboot. Check that this is not the case with you.
Присоединился в Dec 2019
51 Сообщения

iStripper 2.0 - reveal #1 : General look and feel

Всё о iStripper
2 дней назад, 100 Ответы
After using Version 2.0 a few days, I like the overall look in general and it could become a nice version.
However, in many details it feels like a real .0 Version, which still lacks usability.

In collections I'm missing the filter by year. I loved to have a rough filter by year and then use the other filter/sorting options.

The scrollbars don't work really well. With mouse they are ok. Page down/Page up don't work. Up and down keys work, but the main window main window doesn't have the focus initially and I first have to click somewhere there to get up/down working.

In the set details the "other shows you own" is completely disordered. Or at least I see no logic sorting criteria.

In the card details I don't like the order of the blocks. For me set description, other sets of the model, gallery and videos are more important than reviews and ratings. It would be great if we could customize the order of the content boxes. Again the scrollbars don't work with keyboard at all.
Set description has a scrollbar in the middle of the box if the description is too long. Not very user-friendly. The whole box is on my screen 10 cm, but for the text you use only 3,5 cm. Each category keyword uses 8mm hight + 2mm gap to the next line. => At least for me the important things use too little percentage of the available space.
Why don't you use a dynamic size for the complete box or find some other layout for it. Reviews and Ratings have a dynamic size already.

For Photos I would prefer a gallery presentation to a stream presentation. Ok, tastes might be different. And on the photos I would prefer some kind of interaction (like double click for zoom/unzoom or key shortcuts) to clicking on the menu at the bottom.

Help is also not working. In settings I see a ? for almost all functions. But if I click on it, nothing happens.
Присоединился в Aug 2017
2590 Сообщения

Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

Всё о iStripper
2 дней назад, 5000 Ответы
Thank you very much @EverthangForever.

All your last scenes work well for me.

I was wondering if you had ever observed this. It happens that in scenes with back movements, that at irregular intervals, the movement stops 1 second or so. This doesn't seem to happen in the girls' movement, but it's so short that it's hard for me to notice.

I've been noticing this for a very long time. I think it happens more with graphically demanding scenes.

I used to think it was because my old graphics card wasn't powerful enough, but with my current PC, that's no longer the case. I think it happens just as much when the program is set to CPU as GPU. Do you experience this from time to time? I was wondering if it could be due to a small delay in the buffer memory?

Also, I installed version 2.0 to see if a recent problem downloading cards was due to my old version, following a suggestion from the team. But the problem was due to a security program on my PC. So I decided to explore this new version. I installed the 64-bit version.

I've noticed that unlike version 1, when I bring up the “Performance Overlay” window to see the performance of my graphics card and CPU when playing your scenes, the window starts clicking, and doesn't stay stable. I don't get it. I've done a clean reinstall of the graphics card drivers, but the problem is still there. It doesn't matter whether the program is set to PCU or GPU. I don't know if anyone on the forum knows what this problem is due to?

Merci beaucoup @EverthangForever.

Toutes vos dernières scènes fonctonnent bien pour moi.

Je me demandait si vous aviez déjà obdervé cela. Il arrive que dans les scènes avec des mouvements arrières, que par intervales irréguliers, le mouvement cesse 1 seconde environ. Cela ne semble pas se produire dans le mouvement des filles, mais c'est tellement court, qu'il m'est difficile de le constater.

Cela fait très longtemps que je remarque cela. Je pense que cela arrive plus avec les scènes exigeantes graphiquement.

Auparavant je pensait que c'était à cause de mon ancienne carte graphique, qui n'était pas assez performante, mais avec mon PC actuel, ce n'est plus le cas. Je crois que cela arrive autant lorsque le programme est réglé sur CPU que GPU. De votre côté, vous arrive t'il de constater cela également ? Je me demandais si ce serait dû à un petit délai dans la mémoire tampon ?

Aussi, j'ai installé le version 2.0 pour voir si un problème récent de téléchargement des cartes, était dû à mon ancienne version, suite à une suggestion de l'équipe. Mais le problème était dû plutôt à un programme de sécurité sur mon PC. J'ai donc décidé d'explorer cette nouvelle version. J'ai installé la version 64 bits.

J'ai remarqué que contrairrement à la version 1, lorsque je faisais apparaître le fenêtre "Performance Overlay" pour voir les perrformances de ma carte graphique et du CPU à la lecture de vos scènes, la fenêtre se met à cliqnoter, et ne reste pas stable. Je ne comprend pas. J'ai fait une réinstallation propre des pilotes de la carte graphique, mais ce problème reste présent. Peu importe que le programme soit réglé sur le PCU ou le GPU. Je ne sais pas si quelqu'un sur le forum sait à quoi ce problème est dû ?
Присоединился в Sep 2010
208 Сообщения
Присоединился в Jul 2018
3 Сообщения

NEW iStripper 2.0.1 stable - Q&A

Всё о iStripper
3 дней назад, 217 Ответы
Congrats to Totem on a huge launch! As a software developer I'm kind of impressed at how much care went into this redesign.

Positive feedback
  • Easy to add/remove cards from wishlist in the store (one caveat, see below). I also like that I can see at a glance which cards in the store are already in my wishlist.
  • Playlists are much easier to manage and use!
  • Previews overhaul! I like that I can have unlimited previews and they don't inject into my queue unless I enable them.
  • In the card details page, I like the separation of cards I own and cards I don't own for that girl. But I miss the old click-and-***** (see below).
  • Easier to view/use gift cards

Constructive feedback
  • Previews automatically downloading? If I understand correctly, Totem is filling my disk space without permission even when I don't have previews enabled in my queue.
  • With previews lasting infinitely, we need a way to search for and bulk-delete previews to free up space.
  • Much less efficient to enable/disable cards.
  • I can't disable a card I don't own. This is actually huge for me, as I disable cards I never want to see previews for.
  • I miss being able to set my queue to repeat or shuffle
  • The queue was much better as a side-pane/drawer. I could manage it while browsing at the same time. I could also ***** cards from my collection or previews into the queue directly, which is actually faster and more flexible than using the new right-click menu to add to queue.
  • You should be able to add/remove a card from wishlist in the card details page if you don't own it.
  • I can no longer sort my collection by date purchased from oldest to newest
  • It's hard to find specific card options between the right-click menu and the details page. For instance the list of clips is accessed by right-click on the card only.

  • When I visit the "sale" section of the store and there are no cards on sale, the copy tells me something went wrong. Restore the old copy about nothing being on sale.
  • There's still an option in settings to enable a slider for card size in the store, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Remove the option or restore the feature.
  • When I increase the # of girls on screen, they don't always appear. Toggling CPU/GPU mode is the only reliable way I've found to ***** the correct # of girls to appear.
Присоединился в Jun 2014
440 Сообщения
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