it is like a backstab in my back as Deskbabes Customer.
it's not just you.Thank you, DuziKolo. It is good to read I'm not the only one in this opinion, I have met quiet some customers already well-proven to be disatisfied with the New XXX Format Project. This change of xxx format, they never should have done it. I have read your whole comment. Very nice post.
I watched Kira's show and even commented on it directly: what a waste of potentially awesome card... :(
1. xxx costs more money to produce because girls expect more pay for more explicit content.Of course, this is always the case and I understand these models. The models are still need to be want to do these kind of recordings, no matter what type of card it is. Fingering, Masturbate and using SexToys hasn't changed for all these models.
2. Previous xxx cards were losing money because customers were not buying them...and they cost more to produce.What is the 'real' reason peeple purchesed less XXX Cards? to much of the same type of models, maybe? but not the Deskbabes XXX Card Format. Dont try to fool me here. I still enjoy cards like 'Deskbabes': Katya Clover, Merry Pie and Aislin performances. Just watch their shows properly and you notice differences between them, just simple.
3. Dancing= More Sales , xxx + Dancing = More Sales, card duration is finite, so less xxx and more dancing.That is of course 'A fair solution' well-said by a Regular Card Customer. Sorry, for me this is NOT the solution. Copy + Paste this sentece in your brain: They Made Regular iStripper Cards Less Unigue By implement Regular Card Clips into XXX Cards. There should be clear differences between two types of Cards, Regular & XXX Cards. I have peace with the fact 'Deskbabes & VirtuaGirl' community are united now with Software: iStripper, like POPEYED said we are real family now 'BUT' our type of cards suppose to be protected and untouched.
4. Totem has two choices...None of these two choices has been proven to be made by the company. "They are just doing experiments", keep that in mind. Read the posts properly. and the last choice is only a compromise for Regular Cards Customers. These new xxx cards cannot even be watched properly, I experience sound/music conflicts, non-stop.
no xxx= more money for totem
dance + xxx hybrid = compromise for customers.
Ah well. Question would be more like: does the regular card community want to be confronted with 'xxx' content in every single upcomming released cards? If you speak about one type of product. so, no regular cards anymore. The full package type of card, I have found peace with it😊
I just dont want the xxx to go away, i have learned to embrace the little.😀 ... I still prefer to see the original xxx format but my actions must not lead to no xxx cards at all anymore in the future.😉
Actually i dont care, one has the ability not too see content they dont wisah to see
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