Again this would almost certainly reduce Totem's profits. As I have repeatedly said suggestions to any business that amounts to "please reduce your profits" are not likely to be followed. 50 credits is far too low a price - as is essentially proved by the apparent fact that many people do pay far more than that, via the gambling games, with the aim of getting these cards. One measure of how much something is worth is how much others will pay for it.
And they need to reconsider their strategyu, because judging by the feedbck I am seeing, they are ***** off long-standing customers with their recent shenanigans... driving away their most loyal customer base. In the long run, it will backfire for them.
No, 50 credits isn't far too low. That is $5 per card at the best credit price. Just because Totem is preying on people with gambling weaknesses, it does not mean these cards are worth more;
Totem's point of view - which is the only one that really matters.
Making them available for sale to a small group, such as @nm76 suggests, would have a lesser effect and possibly even be profitble - but might piss off even more people.The mere existence of these damn SEC's already pisses off a lot of people.
The mere existence of these damn SEC's already pisses off a lot of people.
As long as this damned deal with the SEC's exists, I will also express my opinion on it.
Yes there are two sides to every business transaction - but we are not talking about individual transactions...
What I have problems with and criticise are those that claim, with no access to Totem's sales records, that the SECs have a negative effect on Totem's profits or who suggest ways that will decrease those profits
And they need to reconsider their strategyu, because judging by the feedbck I am seeing, they are ***** off long-standing customers with their recent shenanigans... driving away their most loyal customer base. In the long run, it will backfire for them.
This is also true. I don't expect Totem to want to do anything that will cut into their profits, but there is a fine line to be walked between maximizing profits, and drastically ticking off your most loyal and longstanding customers. At some point, trying to maximize profits is going to meet with very diminishing returns, if you push things so far that you start to lose the very people that spend the most money on your product.
People like me are what the gambling and gaming industry refer to as "whales". We're the ones who spend STUPID amounts of money on stuff that most people wouldn't, and the ones that managers in those other industries tend to cater to.
Totem did throw us a nice bone by at least making the game playable for basically no cost (by pricing the scratch-offs at 5 credits -- basically break even with the win rate), but it is still costing us a lot of TIME. It would have been win-win for both Totem and the "whales" (at least in this case) to just give us the OPTION to buy the SECs directly.
People like me are what the gambling and gaming industry refer to as "whales". We're the ones who spend STUPID amounts of money on stuff that most people wouldn't, and the ones that managers in those other industries tend to cater to.
It matters not one little bit whether we like the practices in question - as I have stated previously I do not like them at all. What matters is what Totem think - if they think, rightly or wrongly, that SECs and gambling are good ideas then they will use them. If they think that offering SEC at a fixed price of 50 credits is of negative value to them (because of its impact on other revenue streams) then they will not make such an offer. They may be wrong in their estimates, but it is only their estimates that that will matter in making decisions, not ours - our estimates of cards values will only affect the result of those decisions. Totem have data on which to base their decisions, we do not have access to that data, hence they are more likely to be right than we are.
Something to bear in mind is that in this case the "whales" are not likely to be the most profitable customers in the future. Because you already own most / all of the cards, your expenditure is going to be on just new releases (at high levels of discount) and potentially the SECs - Totem already have most of your money.
However, there is one very important difference, We are the ones who have SPENT stupid amounts of money but because we have full or almost full collections, or have all the cards we want, we no longer SPEND the most even if we want to. We are not whales, we are ex-whales (possibly ex Norwegian Blue Whales).Both @pickle1 and @TheEmu made the same argument at roughly the same time.
For you, myself and others with full or nearly full collections repeatly playing this game until we won the SEC was not very expensive but for those that still had plenty of unbought cards in the store would have won fewer cash prizes on the scratch cards. This is because for most players most of the prizes for a scratch card take the form of normal cards but if none are available then they are replaced by 5 credit prizes.
As a result for us chasing a SEC this way is likely to be quite cheap (though as it is a gamble it could be expensive if you are unlucky) while for other users it is likely to be more expensive (though, again, they may be lucky and get off lightly).
Seriously guys - this SEC stuff has gone too far. I'm a PREMIUM member with a FULL set, and I have NO way to obtain an SEC? Did you even consider that scenario?
Here's a remedy: Make gambling OPTIONAL. Let those of us with credits to ***** BUY the SECs (or buy Joker packs) so we can skip this crap.
I'd happily pay 250 credits for a pack of 10 JOKER cards any day of the week. Make that option only available to PREMIUM members.
Problem solved.
VERY disappointed in your poor behaviour.
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