The link here and the link on the NFT tab gives me an error code 500pls provide me with the exat url where you have this errorCheers
I think a lot of problems come from the used browser and securityThe browser I used gave a different address every time I clicked "connect your wallet" at Dolz.ioNow I used it in another browser and came across and under account "link dolz account to istripper account"Directed me to an istripper site asking if I should link thisclick yesNow the address at dolz was the same as the address at istripper profile(including name)To repeat this again I had to clear all browser data.Here I also manage to buy Dolz
Well, I threw my credit card at it to check it out and all I can say is buying Dolz is not enough to get the cards. I was told I need to buy something called 'native tokens' for "gas money", which means I need to buy yet another thing called 'Matic' first. That turned out to be another credit card purchase on some shady website, which i totally did not go for.Its just so many hoola hoops to jump through to get something you want. I truly dont feel any ease in transacting for trading cards still.😟
如果他们想让我购买 DOLZ 卡,那么他们应该将这些卡合并到 iStripper 程序中。这样它们就可以像 iStripper 积分一样购买。首先,我对像比特币这样看起来很昂贵的网站不感兴趣,其次,我感兴趣的卡似乎都已售罄。他们几个月前不是说过,今年晚些时候您将能够像购买 iStripper 卡一样购买他们的 DOLZ 卡吗?您只需将积分添加到您的帐户中,就可以在与 iStripper 相同的系统中购买卡?这看起来他们正在单独进行 DOLZ,他们需要简化这一点。我不会把钱投入到我一无所知的东西上,特别是如果它会转过来说我没有足够的钱来购买我想要的东西。
只是对不玩数字货币朋友的严重歧视😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱
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