it would be better if the clicking on the cog wheel would show you which images are relevant to a particular scene no matter where they are stored.
I just don't understand what I am doing, and even though @TheEmu's scripts are superbly well documented, I just do not have the basic understanding ..
Thank you for hosting my fullscreens.
If you need more space, I authored the "HDE" and "DrD" zip files and you may delete them all, but let me know in case you think they add value and might still be appreciated by other members.
Dr.Doom please don't delete your scenes. We coroborated on a few and the links to your remixed & new items in the threads' context are very helpful for learners.
Early scenes links here often relate to discussion & share thread posts about progressively learning animation techniques with textures & later shaders.
@WA I will try to consolidate especially things with the updates once I have fully cleared my working ET Scenes folder. I am glad you left in the server list. Before @TheEmu arrived this mod of your's (page10, 17 posts down) was our first real taste of a shadertoy .fsh mod here and hence was fairly life-changing for learners at the time.
@WyldAnimal - I echo @EverthangForever's thanks regarding your Shades scenes. They are what I learnt from, prior to seeing them I had no experience in shader programming though I had already discovered that a surprising amount could be acheived just using the .scn files.
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