February 17, 2009 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
if your country is not in list, nor an adjoining country, I do not think that you you can. but I always say why not does not test, does not make with your telephone lol, it note could be to raise, but you take small a card which you sacrifice to see whether that functions.
chosen the readiest country of at home and tests
buy a card of 10 unit not more for the test. the equivalent of 10
buy a ticket and looks at how much it remains you of credit.
if that functions you will have to be able to buy 4 tickets at least, 5 with chance.
good luck.
the other thing which remains to you is to see with totem to buy tickets to them while paying by check, which you sendings by mail terrestrial, DHL gold other serious organization or same by the post office. or a transfer banks makes your bank directly but you must give the command in the bank to the counter.
or you can changes your money into euro and to also send it totem has, but DHL llooll prefers it