The new version has a feature: "Push 3 previews every day until 21s previews."
I don't need this option. How can I stop this feature?
Wardogleader 18 minutes ago
No "Preview Push" here, try unchecking "Filesharing(P2P)" in Preferences.
BTW: Still the Issue with clicking the X not closing the Window to Systray, only gets minimized.
v22800266 an hour ago
my antivirus software says its not safe......
lukaszr 2 hours ago
What is the purpose of having TWO buttons for minimizing? We have three buttons in top right corner, first to minimize the window, second to maximize/restore and third to close window (even tooltip says "Close"). For me this is bug or maybe some oversight.
Wardogleader 2 hours ago
In older Versions the X is closing to systray, so i still believe its a bug.
[quote]The new version has a feature: "Push 3 previews every day until 21s previews."
I don't need this option. How can I stop this feature?
Got it. Not a bug but a featureand somebody worked real hard to add this. Now could anybody plz explain what can it do that minimize button can't do.
This is NOT an Issue
It is By Design..
These new features came with version 122:
Feature #1362: Show purchase window first time you magnify the girl (When application is started).
Feature #1366: Auto play demo when downloaded.
I'm not sure if these two features are working properly. I'm clicking on "Start preview" button, demo is playing for the first time, I'm switching to full size and the "purchase window" pops out from right side of the screen. Program plays all 3 clips (or 2 for iStripper XXX) and after those 3 clips... starting again... with the same demo, same model, same outfit, round and round, again and again all the same until I manually switch off "purchase window".
It doesn't matter if this demo card was placed on playlist or if was choosen randomly by software.
It happens every time when I run iStripper. I'm starting iStripper, choosing one of cards from my collection, that card is playing, after few clips program randomly choosing another model and if it's demo, again "purchase window" is popping out and this demo card is playing and playing, again and again from the begining until i manually switch off this goddamn "purchase window". This is annoying. I think that feature #1362 isn't working properly, but in together with feature #1366 it will be even worse, cause users will be ***** to watch only the newest demos over and over until they'll manually turn off "purchase window".
I think that feature #1362 should work in different way: after playing all 2 or 3 demo clips from selected card, it should close purchase window for that card, choose another model (another card) and if it's also demo it should show purchase window for that card, play all 2 or 3 clips one time. Not two times and not forever. One time is enough.
I have the same problem in version 124 and 126. Am I the only one?
I have dowen loaded the latest iStripper 1.2.126
It works fine, BUT I cannot find any thread explaing how reintroduce 'Skins'
Any help or directions as to where to look for it would be most welcome
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