May 25, 2014 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
Some thoughts........
For me, I've rarely used the "last 50 posts" thread in the forum. Didn't have much use for it, but others do so I do see that problem. Yesterday after starting the challenge, I went through the current casting models that I haven't commented on yet. (I'm very, very happy casting for both sites is going again) After that, I did check the "50 last posts" to check how it looked, get a sense of what others were seeing.
As for a separate thread for the rules & current ladder, that would be a good idea but I have concerns about it.
As the current way the forum is set up, this option is only good if it could be setup to be only updated & then closed so no one could post on it. This only is a Moderator's function. The Moderator's should not have to do this as I think they have much more other important things to do in the forums. It should be only by the thread starter or other persons authorized to do so, like SpaveInvader or myself. If this option is ultimately the one selected, I would like to see the Moderator's discuss & select 1 Moderator who would communicate with the authorized persons to accomplish this. So we could streamline the process & have a constant voice between Moderators & members.
As for the forum usage, I think a filter on the hottest topics could be an option. To me it would work like E-mail, where you could select the topics you don't want to see. Then you would delete them & the hottest topics would refresh. You could go from there. I do realise this would not solve the "last 50 posts" but this would be another option. As the Team, Moderators & beta testers are working on the newest version of the software, maybe this could be the next project.
As for bumping the thread, to me threads that are in use everyday in my opinion are not being "Bumped", the ones that have not been used in a certain time & then "brought back to life" are being bumped. Maybe in the future, the Team & Moderators can discuss limits to put on threads. Like in the casting forum, when a model is in the studio to be filmed, her casting thread should be closed at that time & maybe deleted. For others that have "run it's course" like polls and such, after they are done, close the thread & possibly delete them. In my opinion, any thread that is dormant after 6 months should be closed & possibly deleted. Any function that lightens the moderators workload would be a good thing.
As for "picture dumping" in my opinion there has been dumping by by members who do not participate in the thread, trying to get a certain girl in the competition. As for the voting members, I don't think it's necessary to post pictures with your votes but I do not have a problem with it. It could turn into a "picture war" which is not needed. This probably needs to be a "all or nothing" approach. Either allow pictures posted by voting members with moderating by authorized persons with possible votes taken away for "dumping" or no pictures allowed period.
As for comments & "banter" yes I'm all for that in voting as long as it does not develop into personal attacks. To get a person view on why they vote the way they do is interesting.
I would like to hear from Rex & the Team on what they think about the competition & these ideas in general. Maybe they have ideas of their own.
Thank You for taking the time to read this,