December 28, 2018 (edited) , 翻译为ZH (显示翻译) , 从EN翻译 (展示原始文件)
Ok. Took the day off as my leg is ***** me. 😰
I like what @No.6 did with your scene, adding the swing clips in the window :)
As he states in the scene code, it's best to size the clips using standingHeight: or sittingHeight: . Don't use scale: This will make each clip radically different heights each time.
When I downloaded your scenes, the code looks very messy. The lines are all overlapping and very difficult to follow. Sometimes that can happen and it's nobody's fault but anyway, I cleaned up all the code and here it is with all my alterations and comments. Btw, to comment '//' out something only needs two forward slashes, not 3 or more. This is standard throughout coding, I believe.
I added a girl on your TV just as No.6 added a swing clip in the garden. Here's my new code and a screencap to show how it looks :)
//logo: logo/logo_istripper.png // Commented these out so they don't show. Very annoying in scene changes!
//splash: logo/small_logo_istripper.png
text: logo/text.txt
clip {
id: GirlTop
deny: pole, table, top, accessories, inout, cage // Now will only play standing clips.
clip {
id: GirlTable
allow: fronttable // Now will only play front or 'On-Table' clips.
clip {
id: GirlPole
allow: pole // Now will only play pole clips.
clip {
id: GirlTV2
deny: pole, table, top, accessories, inout, cage // Added this on the TV screen.
texture {
id: Fondo
source: fondos/dormitorio1.png
texture {
id: Cama
source: fondos/dormitorio1_cama.png
texture {
id: jardin
source: fondos/dormitorio1_jardin.png
texture {
id: GirlGarden
source: fondos/GirlGarden.png
//texture {
//id: GirlTV // Commented '//' this out so it won't show the image.
//source: fondos/GirlTV.png
camera {
type: 2D
pos: 1520, 1080
size: 3040, 1710
quad { // Non textured quad polygon.
size: 600, 600
pos: 1300, 100
hotspot: 0, 0
shader: fragment, redwater.fsh // fragment or vertex and source file of the GLSL shader.
//GIRL TV // Added this so a clip plays on the TV.
clipSprite {
pos: 1520, 720
standingHeight: 200
scale: -1, 1, 1
source: GirlTV2
// GIRL TV // Commented out so it doesn't show in the scene.
//sprite {
//scale: 0.5, 0.5
//pos: 1520, 700
//source: GirlTV
//blend: true
sprite {
size: 733, 746
pos: 2700, 600
source: jardin
blend: true
sprite {
scale: 0.5, 0.5
pos: 2800, 700
source: GirlGarden
blend: true
sprite {
size: 3040, 1710
pos: 1520, 855
source: Fondo
blend: true
clipSprite {
pos: 1600, 1200 //I altered The pos:, added standingHeight: (we can use sittingHeight: for table clips and the scale: -1, 1, 1 to correct the mirror image of the clips.
standingHeight: 750
scale: -1, 1, 1
source: GirlTop
sprite {
size: 3040, 1710
pos: 1520, 855
source: Cama
blend: true
//GIRL TABLE As above :)
clipSprite {
pos: 1200, 1050
sittingHeight: 440
scale: -1, 1, 1
source: GirlTable
//GIRL POLE As above.
clipSprite {
pos: 2200, 1650
standingHeight: 1300
scale: -1, 1, 1
source: GirlPole
light {
ambient: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 // I didn't bother with this as it does nothing.
Edit: You can add this chunk of code to give a reflection under the pole-dancer clips. You can un-comment the 'color' part and that will make it a shadow. You can alter the numbers to make it darker if you wish...
clipSprite {
pos: 2200, 1650
standingHeight: 1300
//color: 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
opacity: 0.1
rot: 180, 0, 0
scale: -1, 1, 1
source: GirlPole