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Discussions for Scenes for Version 1.2.X Fullscreen Mode here

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已加入 在 Mar 2008

4048 发布
December 31, 2014
I wish had a List view, that din't try to run 10 shaders all at once.
At Home, My PC can't handle it.. at all...
But my Work PC is okay.. but still stutters with 10 shaders running all at once.

I usually Right Click a shader to open it iin a new tab.
That Single shader is fine at home and work.
although there are some that really push the GPU to it's limits..

Microsoft is coming out with a NEW Chrome like Browser..
code named Spartan for Windows 10
this will not be a new IE browser, but a totally new HTML5 compliant browser.

已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
December 31, 2014 (edited)

I agree, browsing ShaderToy can be a problem. However I have just noticed that you can do the following

which, while awkward, can at least reduce the strain on the GPU.

I might even set up a local page on my lap top with just links to the newest dozen or so with one shader per link.
已加入 在 Jan 2012

74 发布
December 31, 2014
@Wyldanimal I read that too but fortunately they will still package the last version of IE along with Spartan for legacy reasons until existing websites get any modifications they need to run properly in Spartan.

I've tried both Firefox and Chrome in the past but always come back to IE because so many websites are tested to work with it before they consider anything else. Microsoft put features into IE, liked tabbed browsing, which was the only reason I tried anything else anyway.

One website that was supposedly written specifically for Chrome and used features that weren't supposed going to work on IE crashed Chrome when I visited it, and yet IE worked 100% perfectly. So that was when I decided not to bother loading extra software that I didn't need.
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
December 31, 2014
Going a little off topic here but useful info anyway :) Will Spartan be available for Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or only 10?

@Bad4: I too always come back to IE but Chrome is a handy back-up if IE fails for some weird reason.

You guys mention the problems with ShaderToy not running all the shaders on the home page. In IE, all I got was one shader showing and the others were black boxes with 'Shader Error'. When I fired up Chrome, ALL were running nicely. So seems a compatibility problem rather than a GPU problem?
已加入 在 Oct 2009

2519 发布
December 31, 2014 (edited)
@TheEmu et al, when @Alexisg announced version 58 beta today he said
'Full Screen log: We're now adding all Open GL functions report to the log'..
I presume this will mean any GLSL shader script conflicts are going to be reported in the log as well. Is that correct ? I am looking forward to clear unambiguous debugging descriptions so we can track through the code and ameliorate our mistakes.
已加入 在 Jul 2012

293 发布
December 31, 2014
To Hombre .. Spartan will be more likely a part of Win 10 and it's still under development, as the news goes: "It's possible that Microsoft will demo Spartan at its upcoming Windows 10 press event in January."

And it's said to have a look and feel similar to Chrome or Firefox.
已加入 在 Mar 2008

4048 发布
December 31, 2014
Here are three that I've been toying with..
I finished up the Fireworks one, just in time for the New Year..

These again do not have a Model displayed, I leave that up to you to add your own Model Clipsprite

Happy New Year.
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
December 31, 2014 (edited)
@Buzzy: Thanks. I'll watch out for that! :)

@Beast: Looking cool too! I'll get around to those later :)

As a, 'not yet' programmer, I've been playing all day with a shader I got from ShaderToy last night. I used Beast's instructions to change 'Uniform' terms so they'll work with VG. Then I was thrown a curve ball and there was an extra function that kept on throwing up errors, 'iMouse'. After a ton of trial and error, I simply commented out everything with that function and it worked! Woohoo! I think it was designed to be an interactive, mouse controlled function? Anyway, it's a bit of a silly, fun shader that I called, 'Pervy Alien'. I still need to figure out how to get rid of jerkiness with some of the clips. @TheEmu has been a star, trying to help with this on the Flame shader. Thanks buddy, I'll figure it out mañana :)

Anyway, it's on GoogleDrive if you want it:

The shader rotates back and forth, ogling the girls ;)

Edit: Is there any way to control which side the girls enter from in Fullscreen? For me they ALWAYS enter from the left now...
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
December 31, 2014 (edited)

Oh, I like that one, its a fun one. I had seen it earlier ShaderToy but did not take it.

With respect to adapting the shaders I find it simplest to add these few lines to the beginning of any shader

uniform float u_Elapsed; // The elapsed time in seconds
uniform vec2 u_WindowSize; // Window dimensions in pixels

// Use defines here rather than edit the body of the code.

#define iGlobalTime u_Elapsed
#define iResolution u_WindowSize

That way you don't have to change anything else if, as of often the case, the only problems are the use of iGlobalTime and iResolution.

The other two problem references are iMouse and iChanneln, where n is 0, 1, 2 or 3.

iMouse is, as you thought, for tracking the mouse position and mouse clicks. Often that bit of code can just be removed or replaced with something that automatically acts as if the mouse has moved. I have used both in my adaptions.

The iChanneln references seems to be commonly used to get some sort of "noise" input. Sometimes I have been able to replace the code they are in with what are very very poor random number generators, but for the most part I have postponed doing anything with shaders that use them as there were plenty of others I could adapt instead. I only started doing this after setting up the web site at Christmas and I tackled the easy stuff first.

I intend to proceed by finding out exactly what the interfaces are for iMouse and iChanneln and then produce functions that can be used to fake out their actions. By using these together with the use of a few #define it should be possible to adapt any shader from ShaderToy by pasting in a fixed piece of boilerplate code at the top of each of them - with perhaps a few parameters that the user can twiddle with to control how the iMouse and iChanneln replacements behave. That way there will be no need to edit any of the ShaderToy shaders code other than to add the adaption block of code at the top.
已加入 在 Dec 2007

284 发布
December 31, 2014


scale: -1, 1, 1

to your clipsprite and it will ***** your girls back to normal. I don't know why fullscreen flips girls. I do this in all my .scn files as flipped girls make me crazy. Nothing worse than backwards tattoos.

and that's no alien that's Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc.
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
December 31, 2014
I have a request. My artistic skills are minimal, so could any of you interested in producing full screen scenes please do a couple of little jobs for me. My sets of experimental Clocks and Carousel scenes are crying out for some good artwork, in particular a good looking clock case for the first and a good setting, such as a fairground or a club for the second.

For the clocks the clock case is currently just a plain rectangle with a hole in it, and I have no background at all for the carousels.

I would be extremely grateful if anybody could supply these as they would convert these two "experiments" into finished products.

You can find the sets of scenes via the Zips link on the Download page at
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
December 31, 2014 (edited)
Hahaha! @ZZ: Yup you got it! In the shader file, the guy who created it, 'IQ', said he was made from a google search and the home page threw up that image :)

I'll try that code change. Thanks to you too buddy.

2 hours to New Year here so I gotta go shower and get out to party!

Have a great one guys!

Edit: @TheEmu: Leave it with me, buddy. I owe you :)
已加入 在 Mar 2008

4048 发布
January 1, 2015
Mike Wazowski

this is the Google Image that the Shader recreates.
IQ, is the Creator of
Iñigo Quílez
His Bio is here - Rather Impressive.

Currently works for Pixar Animation

The Mike Wazowski Shader, uses all mathematical procedures to recreate Mike.
There are no Objects or Meshes in our Shaders.
It's all simply illusions created by Colors and Light, and Math.

What we forget, or don't realize, is that a shader is a flat canvas.
and then pixel by pixel you apply a math procedure to colorize that pixel.
So we are painting the screen with colors based on mathematical results.

I had toyed with Mike for a bit, even got to animate his arms and hands.
But it was to GPU intensive to use as a Full Screen scene file.

Visit IQ's site for some interesting reads.
This is an example of the 64kIntor he talks about.
unzip it, and run Paradise.exe
that's all done in less than 64kb

( remember the commodore 64 - That PC only had 64K of Memory )

已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
January 1, 2015
Thanks, beast! I had no idea how good this guy was. Fascinating stuff :) One day...
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 1, 2015 (edited)
I have just updated the shaders on

Firstly, the Flame example has been optimised by changing the size of the quad used in the .scn file so that it is no bigger than it needs to be (which makes a big difference to the GPU usage) and also by some ***** optimisation of the code in the .fsh file. It runs much better now on my laptop but you may still want to tweak it yourself if it is jerky on your computer.

Secondly, I had been a little sloppy with my original mods to some of the .fsh files. I was using integer literals where I really should have been using floating point ones, which is not valid GLSL but which was being accepted. It turns out that the Mac shader compiler is less tolerant, and rightly so. Lezado spotted this and supplied corrected versions which I have now uploaded. Thank you Lezado.

@HombreSinSombra, I have sent you a personal message about your use of the Flame shader.
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
January 1, 2015
@ZZ: Thanks buddy. I added that line of code to the Right model clip and now they only enter from the right :) Looks so much better when the models don't cross over each other :)

// Right Model Clip
clipSprite {
pos: 600, 440
source: clip Right
standingHeight: 380
resolution: 20
material: false
scale: -1, 1, 1
clipNameSprite {
pos: 600, 460
scale: 0.25
hotspot: 0.5, 1
source: clip Right
已加入 在 May 2008

29 发布
January 1, 2015
As requested by the Emu I have made 2 scenes using The Emu Carousel and bounce scenes. You can download them here:-
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 1, 2015

Many thanks, those are just the sort of things I was looking for. I will upload then to the Emu's nest soon.
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 1, 2015
Hombre Sin Sombra has agreed to let me host his scenes and Yidincrete has provided me with realistic settings for two of my "Experiment" scenes. I have therefore uploaded these to web site where you may access them from the downloads page.

The Hombre Sin Sombra scenes are in their own directory and zip file and comprise

1) A simple 2D scene
2) A shader based "Pervy Alien" ogling two pole dancers
3) A pair of scenes based on the Flame shader

These last two are loosely based on the idea of the rejuvenating "Flame of Life" in H Rider Haggard's novel "She" - which you may have seen in the 1960's movie starring Ursula Andress. They may, however, stress your GPU resulting in jerky animation. They play smoothly on high end systems.

Similarly the Yidincrete's enhanced Emu's experimental scenes are also in their own directory called TheEmu+Yidincrete. Now that they have been provided with suitable setting they are no longer regarded as being experiments but "products". There are only two scenes

1) A "Bouncy Castle" garden party.
2) A carousel installed in the Paris Penthouse club.

Please feel free to download the zips and let me, and the others, know what you think.

Once more I thank Hombe Sin Sombra and Yidincrete for their contributions.
已加入 在 Dec 2007

284 发布
January 1, 2015 (edited)
Created one more new shader scene and split my 4k stuff into shader and non shader scenes. Also did some fine tuning on a couple scenes and edited a few new colour versions of Caustic Water shader (You'll see why...). Please delete (or back it up somewhere) my old ZZ 4K folder from your scenes before putting in the new 4K scenes for housekeeping purposes.

Not sure how much time I'll have to play after today as I'm back to work tomorrow.:-(
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 2, 2015 (edited)
I have made one (last) tweak to Hombre Sin Sombra's "Flame of Life" scenes. The cage now starts below the screen, rises up into the flames, remains in the flames for a period and then sinks down through them again. This is repeated every 30 seconds.

As ever you can download them by following the link to the Zip files on the Download page at
已加入 在 Sep 2013

164 发布
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
January 2, 2015
@TheEmu: WOW! I love what you've done with the cage 'lift.' I see you've also moved the flame to the foreground. Looks even more realistic now! Great job, buddy!

Also, thank you so much for putting my stuff on your site. From now on, anything else I make, I'll send to you first to see if you deem it worthy of being there :)
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 2, 2015 (edited)

I like the Star performer plus a backing chorus line. The result looks good.

A few very ***** points:-

You probably want to add "behindtable" to the list of clip types to deny for the "Clip" chorus line clip - otherwise you get performers sticking out through the platform. You should also probably add "accessories" to the list of things to deny - otherwise you get chorus lines with the occasional motorbike or armchair spoiling the general effect, and you might consider denying accessories for the main performer as well. It may be worth while adding "inout" to the deny lists so you don't get the performers walking on or off the stage.

Some work is needed on the reflection in the scene with just one large girl, but you seem to have handled it well in the other scenes.

In all but one of the scenes there is an error which causes the "toggle log" button to show next to the "show on full screen" button below the preview window. This is due to the declaration of the texture node

texture {
id: SceneMask
source: single/plan0.png

because you have no "plan0.png" file in your "single" directory. You should either supply the missing file or modify the scene not to use the SceneMask.

You only use one clipNameSprite, and this this is for the chorus line 's sprite. You should either use two clipNameSprites, one for each clip, and position them not to overlap, or switch the single clipNameSprite to reference the main performer.

Thank you for sharing the scenes. I like them.
已加入 在 Jul 2012

3309 发布
January 2, 2015
Sorry for the double posting - I do not know what happened there.
已加入 在 Sep 2013

164 发布
January 2, 2015
Thank you, I try
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
January 3, 2015 (edited)
Time for another cool, shader scene :) This is called Seascape. I adapted it from Shadertoy, made by a guy called TDM. His original is a rotating shader but with incredibly realistic water effects. He made this completely by CG. NO Textures, photos, nada! Amazing stuff :)

I figured out how to stop the rotation as the poor girls (and viewers!) would get seasick. You can start it back rotating if you feel like it by changing this parameter:

// main
void main(void) {
vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
uv = uv * 2.0 - 0.5;
uv.x *= iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
float time = iGlobalTime * 0.0;
.......................................... ^

Set at 0.1, it spins the shader fairly slowly. Set at 0.9, and you will throw up!

If you also change the line above: uv = uv * 2.0 - 0.5; to this: uv = uv * 1.0 - 0.5; Then the water will fill the screen as the s-cap shows :)

As usual, it's on GoogleDrive:

Edit again: I've re-uploaded this with new code and a platform for the girls to stand on :)

I also denied all but standing clips and cage.

Enjoy :)
已加入 在 Oct 2009

2519 发布
January 3, 2015 (edited)
Oh so good @HSS really nice to get Seascape compatible.
Here is another shadertoy for sharing. I adapted for VGHD Player the Reinder Nijhoff's bitmap transformation of Escher's Prentententoonstelling.

TheEmu..I'd be grateful if you could tweak further as you require & add it to your pages of adapted Shadertoys listed under Reinder Nijhoff, so people can get everything including this droste in the one big zip. I've tried to keep the names consistant so its easy to include ..thanks a lot ;)
已加入 在 Oct 2010

1249 发布
January 3, 2015 (edited)
Oops,It looks like the wrong link in my last post. This is the correct, updated one:

Don't know how that happened :(

Gonna check yours out now, @ET :)

Edit: Very cool shader but sadly a little too much for my GPU. The girls are running at half speed or less :'(

I've tried tweaking a number of settings but just made things worse for me. Any ideas on what might speed it up a little, buddy? Apart from a new rocket GPU! ;)
已加入 在 Oct 2009

2519 发布
January 3, 2015
Sorry Hombre even the author said it would be processor intensive. I did get your seascape shader compatible ok with the link previously..its great tks ;)


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