@plasonic:Never mind the Blather.If ever I'm feeling casteth downeth,I just look to any of your postings where you invariably,and gratifingly,go off on one,and I come over all unnecessary.(I can see how that could be misinterpreted!!)Your powers of description are a wonder to behold.I hadn't got as far as looking for the "ultimate truth". I'll try playing my MP3's backwards,and let you know if the Spirit takes me!!
@Stanzeflasher: Yes,sorry about that!Put two nutters in the same room etc...Yes,an example would be to check the card of Julya's Black Label. The "Overview of her show" first pic shows chair with Virtuagirl writted mirror image, and the bonus photos,at the bottom show same chair, Virtuagirl,as norm. Another xample, I have studied at length would be,Monica Sweet,Love Romance, where "Sexiest Girl" on her thermal string vest,is "tseixeS" "lrig"