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How do I view the full show?

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已加入 在 Dec 2010

1 发布
December 10, 2010
Hey Guys,

I just recently bought a couple full shows and so far I've only been able to see short clips at a time, but it says the show is approximately 31 min(unless I misenterprated what "mn" meant).

Is there a way I can see the full show start to finish as apposed to just these little snippets?

已加入 在 Dec 2007

1325 发布
December 10, 2010 (edited)
There really should be a Totem official explanation of this made "sticky" somewhere.

No-there is no "full show" to play...
The full show is made up of a series of short clips in the various erotic levels
Totem has set up a "random play" player here.
To see all of a girls clips on a certain card together at the same the following:
Disable,by un-checking in "my collection", all other cards except the card that you want to watch.
Then, either be sure ALL Erotic Levels are checked on your "settings" screen so that you can see every clip (eventually...Some may repeat a few times until all are played)...hit play button or activate red V in tray...
Or...Play around by watching each EROTIC level checked separately to see clips, more or less,in a "clothed to explicit order"(they will STILL present as random even within each single checked category.)and hit the "play button/V in tray.
Totem has created this to play randomly but you can choose the cards you play AND the levels of erotic action that they show.
Totem recently mentioned making a full play option FOR PLATINUM & ABOVE level members but this is not available yet & would only be a choice once you have reached Platinum level(300 cards bought).

I know it's a little funky for doin' the One Hand Whoopti Doo
..but judicious use of a protective towel over yer mouse (this is not a EUPHEMISM)while you watching...
should do you just fine! lol

已加入 在 Sep 2007

520 发布
December 10, 2010
Consider it "stickied" :)
已加入 在 Mar 2008

4047 发布
已加入 在 May 2009

27 发布
December 10, 2010
"Thanks a lot Wyldanimal", downloaded your player some days ago.
It´s now possible to create individual clipshows and save them for replay-- thats what i´m missing in the VG-Software.
已加入 在 Dec 2007

1325 发布
December 10, 2010
Thanks cartref...I was on the verge of writin' the reply in free verse....just to make it different from all the other ones! lol

Wyldanimal...sorry I keep forgetting your's because I'm so tech *****...( I'm running this installation of VG/DB only through the massive help of Starryk in installing it after I did all the steps & it didn't work!~)and now I'm becomeing "geezer forgetful" and remembering all the techy stuff is getting more difficult.......
But yeah...apparently Wyld's player is a good deal folks!
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
December 10, 2010
plasonic:....Is your mouse shy or a prude ???...Or is it the mouse doing the Whoopti Doo ???...
已加入 在 Mar 2011

1 发布
March 2, 2011
guys,can you tell me how to earn credits?
已加入 在 Dec 2007

1325 发布
March 2, 2011 (edited)
qingge....I just sent you lots of info on this buying of credits by PM...
To find it....Look up from here, top left, click on "messages' to view my/any PM...
Once you have cards downloaded just left click the V symbol from black to red in your have the girls play/dance for you!

I'm happy to help my fellow "somewhat bewildered" people whenever I can!
已加入 在 Mar 2011

1 发布
March 7, 2011
is there a way to get free credits?
已加入 在 May 2009

1536 发布
March 7, 2011
Nope. The only way to get free credits is to buy a subscription, there are a few tickets there as a welcome present. In any case, you need to pay to play.
已加入 在 Mar 2011

2 发布
March 17, 2011
ok i bought 3 cards, im new to this obviously but when i go to my collection none of the cards i purchased are on there. only the demos are. how do i get the ones i bought on there?
已加入 在 May 2009

61 发布
March 17, 2011
Just read your Messages!
已加入 在 Mar 2011

1 发布
March 27, 2011
I am also new to VG and when I download the girls that I bought all it does is keep loading and doesn't stop loading. Even when the loading bar is full. I have no idea what the problem is and help would be greatly appriciated. I also don't think it's right how I tried to look up on the website how to contact customer service and they are out of commission right now. I kinda feel like I got ripped off. The portion of VG that takes your money sure seemed to work properly. Anyway maybe it's something simple I hope.
已加入 在 Mar 2011

1 发布
March 28, 2011
how do i download mutiple cards at once
已加入 在 Apr 2011

1 发布
April 23, 2011
ok im new(not just to VG but to the world of computers itself)can somebody please tell me how to first of all get to the girls advanced settings? Then secondly i tried to go to as suggested by Wyldanimal 133 days ago. But all i get is 0 results found. Whats my problum? HELP!
已加入 在 Mar 2008

2336 发布
April 23, 2011
Deuce:...I just tried it,too......You left click on the entire link and wipe it along 'til it's all blue.....then " ***** and drop " it into the address bar at the page top and click on search or Enter !...then it's anybody's guess !...:)
已加入 在 May 2011

6 发布
May 20, 2011
In English:

Hi dudes,
at first want to say sorry for my english, it ain't be as good as it could be.
But now my problem: I downloaded VG, bought some credits and two modelcards, but the two models I bougt don't appear in "My collection", even if I'm checking for updates in the settings. I'm using the german version. Could anybody help me, please? Thanks for your efforts. ;)

In German:

Hallo Leute,
mein Problem ist folgendes: Ich habe mir VG heute Mittag runtergeladen, mir ein paar Credits gekauft und gleich dazu ein 2 Models. Aber die zwei Karten die ich mir gegönnt habe erscheinen nicht in meiner Sammlung, selbst dann nicht wenn ich in den Einstellungen nach Updates suche. Würde mich über schnelle hilfe freuen, danke schonmal im Vorraus. ;)
已加入 在 Sep 2007

520 发布
May 21, 2011
You have three cards in your collection at the moment, are any of these the cards you bought? SOmetimes, it can take a wile for the cards to be added.

Please post a yes or a no, so we can escalate to the team if necessary.

Sie haben drei Karten in Ihrer Sammlung im Moment, sind diese die Karten, die Sie gekauft haben? Manchmal kann es dauern, einen Wile für die Karten hinzugefügt werden.

Bitte post ein Ja oder Nein, so dass wir an das Team bei Bedarf ausweiten können.
已加入 在 May 2011

6 发布
May 22, 2011
Ok dudes,
waited roundabout 36 hours but the shows won't appear in my collection and if I'm looking for updates or rebuilding my collection there is nothing been downloaded. Got a screenshot of my advanced settings. If I've made something wrong, please tell me ;)
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
May 22, 2011
wir benötigen die information welche shows nicht in deiner Sammlung erscheinen und ob es 2 der 3 shows sind die in deiner Online collection zu sehen sind.
Jana H - California Suit
Carmen Gemini - Majestic View
Aletta Ocean - Remand Centre.
Oder sind es zwei andere shows die auch in der Online collection nicht angezeigt werden?
已加入 在 Dec 2007

1325 发布
May 22, 2011 (edited)
When I buy cards they do not download automatically even though ALL download boxes on "Advanced settings" screen are checked.
I view my collection in "icons" mode and go there to see that "full show" is always not checked off on the newly bought card..
I then click on that "full show" box and the card begins to download.
All my card purchases MUST be manually downloaded upon buying.
Maybe yours do too and this will help you.
Good luck!
已加入 在 May 2011

6 发布
May 22, 2011 (edited)

Jana H - California Suit
Carmen Gemini - Majestic View
Aletta Ocean - Remand Centre.
Die drei hab ich geholt und sie werden mir nicht angezeigt, hier nochmal ein screen von der Sammlung. Alles nur die Demos.


That's what I thougt first, but there's no button for a manual download.
Also if I made the two thicks in the Filter.
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
May 22, 2011
du kannst versuchen auf Advanced Settings zu wechseln und unter der download anzeige auf die Schaltfläche links neben 'Check for News' mit der rechten Maustaste klicken.
Dann klicke auf Rebuild Collection.(erscheint unter der schaltfläche nachdem die rechte Maustaste geklickt wurde)
已加入 在 Dec 2007

70 发布
May 22, 2011
@fbgermany93 : kann es sein daß bei deinem VG-player falsche LogIn-daten eingegeben hast ? :)
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
May 22, 2011 (edited)
sollte das mit dem Rebuild Collection nicht klappen, wäre es auch einen Versuch wert. Die Registrierung nochmal durchzuführen. rechts neben Rebuild Collection steht Registration. Damit kannst du eine Neuregistrierung durchführen. Dafür musst du natürlich dein Passwort wissen. Sintor2002 hat mich auf die Idee gebracht, dass das vielleicht auch ein Problem sein könnte.
已加入 在 May 2011

6 发布
May 22, 2011
Nutzerdaten sind korrekt ;) Rebuild collection funktioniert nicht. Hab ich schon ausprobiert.
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
May 22, 2011 (edited)
selbst wenn die Nutzerdaten korrekt sind, könnte eine Neuregistrierung erfolgreich sein. Es ist einen Versuch wert wenn du dein Passwort noch hast.
已加入 在 May 2011

6 发布
May 22, 2011
nope, klappt auchnicht, auf Registration geklickt, Nutzername und PW neu eingegeben für eine Re-registration aber wieder das selbe. Keine Show runtergeladen, nur das "Welcome Pack" So langsam verzweifel ich.
已加入 在 Nov 2008

1848 发布
May 22, 2011
hm kann ich verstehen. Glaube da muss dann doch mal das Team ran. Alle Standardmöglichkeiten hast du jetzt ausprobiert.
Wenn die Re-Registration nix hilft, sollte auch eine De- und Neuinstallation nicht helfen. Das wäre aber das letzte was du noch probieren kannst.
Ich setze mal voraus das du unter Filter kein Häckchen vor Hide not downloaded hast. Außerdem hast du die Autodownload optionen aktiviert also sollten die show eh direkt heruntergeladen werden.


Hm i can understand you're despairing slowly. Look like Totem Team has to look into this. All standard possibilities to fix this have now been tried.
If Re-Registration doesn't work a Un- and Reinstall probably won't work either but that is the last thing you can try.
I assume that you don't have 'Hide not downloaded' in Filters checked. Besides you got all Autodownload options activated so the shows should be downloaded directly.

I give this case back to the Mods and the Team


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