So no, i dont believe the odds of winning were the same for me at all.
Don't think you are singled out for failure... it's just not so.
Looking through the postings on this stream, some claim great successes, some break even and others experience losses .. such are the odds in a game of chance.
However I do believe Totem value their customers and would never set up a money grab.
There are many more players that never use the Forum so we can't assess the true win/lose rate.
I believe Totem monitor the results and tweak the odds of winning if the rate worsens.
Tech ...
A computer random number generator uses a fixed algorithym and the results are based on a starting seed number.
The sequencer commonly follows the same loop for calculations/results, every time it is run.... eventually you need to re-seed the randomizer to start a whole new stream of random numbers, changing the odds.
You can also weight the results for differing symbols/prizes. A randomizer commonly produces 32/64 bit numbers (or more) which some software translates to between 0 and 1.
Example: for a big prize you may want to see the number 0.123456789... and for a lesser prize, 0.12345xxxx... increasing the odds 10,000 fold.
So it will depend on when you start, where the randomizer is in the list (when the result is called for), and how you interpret the result value.
Too much info? sorry... Just trying to explain computer generated odds. Don't take this too literally.