Установите iStripper и получите полную версию эротического стриптиз-шоу Irina Gubeva.
бесплатная загрузка РЕЖИССЕР (Oliver Nanto): "A little bit of Anne Hathaway don't you think? The ultimate secretary, a perfect contrast between her black jacket and red lingerie and a little surprise on the long clip at the pole :) This girl, a top model, is one of the most beautiful I have ever shot."
Total 23 clips divided in Standing 7, Pole 8 and On TB 8. No touching/rubbing. Bare feet in part of all cliptypes. Starting Nude (no panties) one TB clip. Starting Real Full Nude
(wearing nothing, but with no open legs) one Standing, one Pole and one TB clip.
Irina is a very cute girl with a most beautiful face and a lovely body. This is a GREAT OUTFIT, the best of all of her six cards. Black jacket, sexy black skirt, fashionable red lingerie
and elegant high heels were more than perfect. The colour combination black and red (rouge et noir) is always good. Irina looks so adorable in this outfit: just WOW!
Irina in this outfit makes this show whether or not with full nudity already to a great card. A great outfit is half of the fun of a show. How to rate this show? @Celine: “She (Irina)
started to pose as a art nude model..” and the highest level of nudity is “Nudity” and not “Full Nudity”. When you know this, than you also know what to expect and what not.
In Standing and Pole clips Irina does something between a dance and sexy walking. She has spunk and spirit. Her routine is of a slightly higher level than the average, in parts of the
show even sprankling. There is variation in the stripping proces and there is playing with the skirt. Clip 20 starts with just the jacket. Clip 21 starts fully clothed; the first stripping item
are her panties. Clip 22 starts without the lingerie. The only thing to work on for Irina is her play with the camera.
The rating: Standing 4,65 (good use of stage, spirit), Pole 4,65 (moves well around the Pole, no specail skills) Taskbar 4,65 (playing with the skirt), Beauty 5 (face, body) and Outfit 5
(sexecutive). Total 23,95/5 = 4,79 --→ 5 stars. With the beauty of Irina and her great outfit, this could only be a 5 stars show! The low rating tells more about some of the raters than
about the quality of the show. It reveals the rigidity of their mental concepts.
8 pole clips, 7 standing, 8 on the table and none behind it. 10 no-nudity clips, so she takes a lot of clips to lose her clothes. No swing, glass or in-out. Near-4min full strips in standing and table, she strips the shoes and there are nude starts in standing and pole clips. The short clips, mostly between 1.5 and 2mins, include several costume combinations and varied order of removal (including the suit with no underwear, a knickers-off-first and one starting with just the jacket), so they aren’t sequential, but the costume gives plenty of scope for variety.
Technically, somebody turned up the Orange Knob. Even her nipples have gone orange since the last show, so I don’t think it’s my screen. The costume is excellent, though the orange underwear positively glows. She looks a bit less girly with stronger make-up. This is a well-balanced show, with lots of stripping, from an unusually pretty girl, but would have been better if she was a touch more relaxed.
As muttonjeff said "Sexy is not about what you show.. but about how you show it".
There is a lot of teasing in this show, in each clip you wonder "will she or won't she" and are left wanting more. This for me is what striptease should be about. If anything I would have liked a little less nudity and more almost but not quite showing all.
I guess the bad rating is done by anonymous viewers who just want to have full nudity and more, even if the card clearly states it is not...
But I do regret that she does not have more cards, and much hotter: I would have love to see her red mouth used on some naughty toys...
I'm not crazy about the secretary outfit but the black lingerie and the total nudity are what make this card well worth seeing again and again.
Please Keep Coming Back . . .
She is very comfortable showing her beautiful butt and boobs in all standing shows, but why not her pussy. I really wish she makes a Full Nudity card. On that note, it is an obvious 5 start for this beauty queen.
Keep doing things like that! Have different combination of clothes to strip.
Take a look at her long pool clip in slow motion.
Fully deserved five stars
Irina is very sexy in this card and her outfit looks really nice on her.
Mais la quantité invraisemblable de clips habillés et sa manière compulsive de se cacher le sexe en font une carte érotique mais puérile indigne d'iStripper!
Malheureusement , ce type de carte est de plus en plus fréquent...
but a bit shy
Cela devient de p^lus en plus souvent !!!!!!!!