Debora A

Take Your Time

 4.66 (140 голосов)
  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 24 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 43 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
  • Категории: 6

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Комментарии и обзоры

28 January 2023
I am mesmerized by her slim, young and beautiful body! She has the power to seduce me just by looking at her ***** thin body, which is asking for protection and much more. She needs to enhance her beauty by insatiably and endlessly absorbing, sucking and squeezing everything from a big strong healthy man: all the seed and liquid from his body, his health and... all his wealth. Her defenseless slim body needs everything that is good and healthy from the man's body.

I wish to fall in the trap between her legs, to make love until I will be consumed by her pussy and her mouth, until my body will fall exhausted, dehydrated and dried out to death. To live only as a liquid in her body, which will enhance even more her beauty. So, while her body will consume me, she will consume and spend all my wealth, because she deserves everything.

I want to give her five babies... I mean five stars!
20 June 2018
Debora is really sexy again. Her boobs continuously fall out of this flimsy outfit, those clips are abolutely *****! This is not her best show, but yet unskippable...
26 November 2018
Debora A is always attractive and very pretty.

I just love her pixy like appearance !
22 June 2018
TBH Debora A did not impress me too much at first, however

after a few repeat watchings she really starts to grow on you.

Her movements and restless style are pure gold. Its always very

honest work & intimate. Debora A could teach this, really 5+^50
31 August 2018
oh can you imagine meeting her in a bar with what she has on, and lets slip what is on underneath, she is very sexy.

Due to her tattoo I would like to call her `Little Rose`as she is a flower blossoming!
20 October 2023
The outfit (and the shoes!) aren't for me. The model's entertaining and can dance on the pole at a basic level, though, so maybe she'd be interesting to some.
27 May 2021
Attractiveness: 5

Personality: 4

Performance - stage: 4

Performance - table: 4

Eroticism: 3

Outfit: 3

Shoes off: 4

Card score: 3.86

**Average score of all 240 cards I have rated: 3.97**
11 January 2019
OK ... this baby is another super sexy exemplar. Congrats.
28 May 2020
༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
27 November 2019
I love this skinny little thing. Sooooo sexy!
23 June 2018
Douceur et finesse, voilà ce qui caractérise notre jolie Debora, adorable dans cette petite robe légère. Prend ton temps, suggère le titre de ce show. Oh oui, je le prendrais volontier avec elle, comme je le prends à regarder attentivement le spectacle superbe qu'elle m'offre. Merci Debora :)
15 March
Petite mais très érotique.
25 April 2021
Maigrichonne mais mignonne, par contre je n'aime pas son tatoo.
21 December 2020
soooooo sexy

Другие выпуски шоу с Debora A

Just You & Me

  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 21 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 42 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
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Laying Around

  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 23 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 43 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
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Top Notch

  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 21 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 42 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
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Fiery Rose

  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 20 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 42 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
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Tip For Requests

  • Дата выхода выпуска: 2018
  • Стриптиз-шоу: 22 клипов
  • Бонусные фотографии: 65
  • Бонусные видео: 1
  • Продолжительность: 44 мин.
  • Уровень эротики: Откровенная обнаженность
  • Размер файла: MB
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