my data folder and models folder is on the passport?
If your data folder is on your passport external drive, you sould move it back to your root folder. The first screen shot shows what I have on my passport drive.
But I had to play games with my preference file to do this and I do not recommend this to you. The second screen shot shows where my data folder is on my MacBook Pro. Note that my root user folder is named Programming. This is the configuration you should use. If you have an older installation, you may have a folder there named VirtuaGirl instead of iStripper. Note that the path shown in the iStripper Advanced Options Data section (4th screen shot) matches what is shown in the second screen shot.
The name of your modles folder on the passport doesn't matter as long as you designate that folder in the iStripper Data section of System Preference.
i do not see a file called com.totem.Vghd.plist
That's correct. It's hidden in the Preferences folder of the Library folder of you user account. To see it
1. Make the Finder your active application
2. Hold down the option key
3. Click on the Go menu of the finder and you will see the Library folder. Release the option key and that will be hidden again.
(see the third screen shot)
4. Click on the Library in the Go menu and the Library folder will open
5. Click no the Preferences folder in the Libary folder and that will open
6. Scroll down and you will find com.totem.Vghd.plist
Do not open
Leave that file alone. It is of no use to you and if you change it iStripper will not work.everytime i reinstall it doesn't install
Stop trying to reinstall. That does no good on the Mac.
There is nothing in the home folder except file called virtual girl.txt
I don't know what that is. Since it is a text file you can open it and see what it contains. I doubt it is relevant to your problem.
the folder that shows on my passport is called Virtua Girl
That's the default name that was originally in your home folder. It willl work fine with that name. I assume that it contains a data folder and a models folder.
should i be using safari instead of Chrome?
I use Safari, but I don't think this matters.
OK, I'm going to describe two courses of action. If the first one works, stop there. If first one doesn't work, try the second.
Course of action 1 - replace the data folder1. Make sure iStripper is not running.
2. In your root use folder, create a folder named Virtua Girl.
3. Copy the data folder in the Virtua Girl folder of your passport to the new folder in your root user folder.
4. Start iStripper
5. Immediately open Advanced preferences in iStripper, go to the Data section and check that the path shown matchs the path do your models folder.
6. If it doesn't, use the Change folder button to corrent this.
7. Try running iStripper. If it runs, we've solved your problem
8. Shut down iStripper
8. Check the Virtua Girl folder in your root user folder. There may be an unnecessary models folder present. If there is, trash it.
9. Try running iStripper again.
Course of action 2 - rebuild the preference file1. Make sure iStripper is not running.
2. Trash the Virtua Girl folder I had you create in the first course of action
3. Open the Preference folder as I describe earlier.
4. Trash the com.totem.Vghd.plist file
5. Empty your track using Finder
6. Reboot your Mac
7. Run iStripper --
You must sign in with your current account and password.8. As soon as iStripper starts running, open Advanced preferences in iStripper, go to the Data section and use the Change folder button to point to your models folder.
9. Once you've designated your models folder, Quit iStripper
10. You should see a newly created iStripper folder in your user root folder.
11. Copy your old data folder from your external drive to the new folder.
12. If the new folder contains a models folder, trash that models folder
13 Try running iStripper. If it runs, we've solved your problem
If none of this works, tell me what you did and what results you encountered. My best guess is that the first course of action has a 90% chance of working. If it doesn't work, the second course of action has a 90% chance of success.