after the problems we have with police and riotersI don't see any problems with police and rioters, but i see a problem with some or a few Individuals
which are wearing those real Uniforms and real Guns.
Keyword: Mental Health
Because you shouldn't give a real Gun and a real Uniform to someone with Mental Health issues.
And believe it or not, it is also a Problem here in Germany, unfortunately.
Keyword: NSU 2.0
Feed the Google Search bar with it, and you will have a look at the human Abysses ... unfortunately.
But you can give a funny Costume and a plastic Gun to a nice and sweet looking Girl,
to play with our Fantasies.
The Show from Eve Sweet is an Erotic Parody, so don't give too much Attention to those
negative events in our real World, it's not worth it😉
And there is always the possibility for you, to not Buy this specific Show.
Otherwise Eve is too Sweet to ignore any of her Shows, only my Opinion.
Considering the amount of guns in America alone, I believe 99.9999% of civilians who posses a gun here, aren't planning to ***** people with them either.
besides ppl it's not the gun that *****, it's the frickin bullet. & their are at least three ways to fire a bullet off. without a pistol
@shodan084 samething witha baseball bat should we stop baseball games, hockey, martal arts competion, fishing, etc... westling, ***** birth "pregnancy", no sex for you... football games, soccor matches, Nowadays Breathing shame on you for doing that
Considering the amount of guns in America alone, I believe 99.9999% of civilians who posses a gun here, aren't planning to ***** people with them either.
As far as vehicles are concerned most people who buy a car aren't initially planning to planning to ***** people either but ***** and reckless driving along with inattention (all of which are conscious decisions) ***** a great many people worldwide. More than illegal gun shootings, I believe, by a considerable margin.
As far as animals are concerned I wasn't addressing that but I see animals ***** by cars on the road virtually every day in the area where I live. Darn, I'm so sorry Mr. Deer/Cat/Dog/Raccoon/Squirrel but I just couldn't be bothered to swerve around you since I was texting on my phone or at 30mph over the speed limit and couldn't miss you in time... Whether on purpose or not, the animal (or person) is just as dead.
How many defendants at sentencing time after ***** someone with a gun or a car stand up and with crocodile tears flowing, say something along the lines of: "I didn't mean to shoot/hit him or her and I'd take it back if I could, Please forgive me...." Whether on purpose or not that person is just as dead.
Whether you personally like it or not, using a gun to hunt/***** animals in the wild as a sport, is legal in most countries in the world.
Both guns and cars are tools and when used legally for their intended purpose, they serve that purpose and are justified.
However when either are misused, no matter why, each is just as unlawfully deadly as the other.
The point being that until the human variable enters the scene, neither tool ***** anyone and just sits collecting dust.
But when that human makes a conscious decision to misbehave while using said tools, people (or animals) start getting ***** or worse.
Stop blaming the tools and focus the attention at the place (the human variable) where it can actually do some good. And unfortunately I don't have the solution for that either but I know what we have been doing so far isn't working. A new approach is needed.
And I apologize for doing my part in helping this thread slide off track but this is a subject on which I have spent much time contemplating and I lost focus on the o/p's original complaint. Mea culpa.
It may sound cliche' but to me a firearm is a tool, just like a wrench, saw, hammer. It serves it's purposeThere is a subtle difference though between the intended purpose of the tools you choose to group with guns: only guns are designed with the sole purpose of *****. And ***** from a distance.
Was skeptical about doing so, but If I may chime in-
Owned, (legally) enjoyed shooting handguns, long guns since my late teens
At one point in my life it became required to carry a handgun due to my chosen occupation - to STOP a threat.
To protect life- Never property, from the bad people of society when he/she/they are using equal deadly *****/intent
Can using a gun on a human being result in their demise? Absolutely
Was I ever trained/instructed to ***** someone? Never- I was trained to stop a threat to protect Life, my own and or other human beings.
I totally understand this is a emotional issue and rightfully so- discharging a firearm at a human being can cause death
It may sound cliche' but to me a firearm is a tool, just like a wrench, saw, hammer. It serves it's purpose- and should be respected
Am I pro gun? Yes-Legally owned, responsibly posessed
Now as far as Beautiful, Sexy girls firing a gun at a range in the Tightest short-shorts...What a turn on
Plenty of videos on Ytube
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