I wish the app had a way of showing/hiding the SECs one does not own. It would be great to hide what I cannot purchase.
I wish the app had a way of showing/hiding the SECs one does not own. It would be great to hide what I cannot purchase.
Of course, you are talking about things available for sale.
The SECs are not for sale. So, this is completely different.
I want to know who will play in this special event card?
I want to know who will play in this special event card?
I want to know who will play in this special event card?If they let us know, it will be at the very end of the advent calendar, 23 or 24 Dec, I think
I want to know who will play in this special event card?
I want to know who will play in this special event card?Judging from today's release, it may be.
I would think its a safe bet that it will be Sonya Blaze in the Christmas outfit ... I sure hope I'm wrong.
If it is true, I will buy it. Sonya Blaze is my goddess.
Didnt past Advent Calendars allow you to open a card the day ahead of time? Like if its dec 6th, you got to open Dec 7th? I thought that how the last few Advents had gone... not this time or am I remember it wrong?
Like if its dec 6th, you got to open Dec 7th?No, that is not how it works.
so basically you have a free card for the 25 and you have all the cards one day before others right ?Yes, the SEC (special event card) on the 25th is free for Advent Calendar buyers, but it not available for purchase otherwise. Also each card in the calendar is received one day ahead of other users. Example: users can buy Clemence Audiard, Fly Me tomorrow, but in the Advent Calendar it comes into the collection today.
Will there be sale on cards released this year? I remember this happened last year.
Is it working now? I sometimes get that but my connection is slow so that may be all it is.
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