Why don't you let the Totem team answer?
Why don't you let the Totem team answer?@iStripper n'a pas à se justifier c'est un business privé avec ses propres lois commerciales. Tu suis ou tu suis pas !!! C'est la règle !!!
Totem may provide Updates to the Product that must be updated for you to continue to play the Product. Each time you open the Product, you hereby give your consent to Totem to run any Updates to the Product, with or without additional notification to you.
Totem reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to revise, update, change, modify, add to, supplement, or delete certain terms of this License Agreement as the Product and the law evolve; provided, however, that material changes to this License Agreement will not be applied retroactively. Such changes will be effective with or without prior notice to you. You can review the most current version of this License Agreement by clicking on the "EULA" link located at the bottom of the Product. You are responsible for checking this License Agreement periodically for changes. If the Product requires an Update at the time you launch the Product to access the Product, you will also have the opportunity to review and to accept or reject the current version of this License Agreement. If any future changes to this License Agreement are ***** to you or cause you to no longer be in agreement or compliance with this License Agreement, you may terminate this License Agreement in accordance and must immediately stop using the Product. Your continued use of the Product following any revision to this License Agreement constitutes your complete and irrevocable acceptance of any and all such changes.
If the Product requires an Update at the time you launch the Product to access the Product, you will also have the opportunity to review and to accept or reject the current version of this License Agreement....
@iStripper n'a pas à se justifier c'est un business privé avec ses propres lois commerciales. Tu suis ou tu suis pas !!! C'est la règle !!!.😆
Customer satisfaction is not, and in my opinion never should be, the primary purpose of a normal business. If you look on customer satisfaction as a tool, or something to exploit, for increasing or maintaining profits then you will go a long way in understanding many business decisions. (and by profit I do not just mean short term profit).
It's your opinion, but the serious companies, have at heart the satisfaction of their customers.
A company can survive without having happy customers if it still makes a profit - the reverse is not possible.
At the moment not many people are happy customers of their suppliers of electricity or gas - but those companies are still, in the main, making healthy profits.
You misinterpret what I said. Customer satisfaction commonly is a major factor but it takes second place to making a profit. Without making a profit a company will not, in the long term, be able to satisfy anyone. If you are the sole source of something that people want badly enough then you can get away with annoying all of your customers. A company can survive without having happy customers if it still makes a profit - the reverse is not possible.
At the moment not many people are happy customers of their suppliers of electricity or gas - but those companies are still, in the main, making healthy profits.
Can a business survive if it has disgruntled or ignored customers is another question. The future will bring us the answer
It depends on the business - but I have not said that businesses should deliberately disgruntle or ignore their customers only that satifying them is a means of acheiving the primary aim of making a profit rather than, as has been claimed by others, that customer satisfaction should itself be the primary aim. To claim otherwise is to ***** the means with the purpose.
but the serious companies, have at heart the satisfaction of their customers
This is all the result of poor marketing. A simple resolution would be to keep the subscription service, but for those cards already owned, allow access still to users who own them. Thus, you are still motivating people to buy cards on the website to use on the mobile version, and you are also offering a monthly service to view cards not purchased, thus motivating people who have small card collections to pay monthly instead of buying a large collection of cards. Either way, you do not lose customers, and instead of driving away customers, you are actually motivating more customers to use your mobile site by empowering them to decide how they wish to participate, both methods being financially advantageous to Totem.
I am agree with Totem. If you buy a game on PC, you don't have it on Mobile or PS4. If you want it on Mobile, pay extra.
Always was this politics.
For example: I have the Minecraft of Microsoft on PS4 and is linked with the Windows 10 account from my PC, but I don't get free Minecraft on my PC. So for the Pinball games from PC, PS4 and Mobile, under the same company.
Why at Totem should be different?
Come on, Totem! Give me a Quote with a red heart here!
Le titre de se fil de discussion est "iStripper mobile - Version officielle - Q&R" Et c'est Celine membre de l'équipe qui l'a débuté.C'est un Q&A autour du fonctionnement du version officielle et non un survey (enquête d'opinion) vous demandant votre avis sur un système: POUR ou CONTRE
Les réponses doivent elles venir des clients ou de l'équipe de Totem ?
Si c'est pour se répondre entre nous, ce genre de fil de discussion n'a alors aucune utilité.
Totem devrait alors cessé de demander si les gens ont des questions, que je trouve ici légitimes des clients, s'ils n'ont pas à répondre ou à se justifier comme vous dites.
Re-read what you write and consider whether you really ask iStripper questions about this version!!!!If the translation is correct @Sexy3DBoy is right for sure. We have certainly gone on a detour here.
But since Totem has no competition, they do what they want, even if it means driving customers away.
But since Totem has no competition, they do what they want, even if it means driving customers away.
This kinda says it all. Customer satisfaction is a critical part of any business but Totem has a unique product. So while management is somewhere between rude (language and/or cultural differences I hope) and oblivious for me there is no alternative.
IS is good enough to keep me spending even if less frequently but If an alternative does ever appear I will go to the one that offers me the most 'customer satisfaction' (the girls, platform, price, features, includes a mobile version, etc).
I'm doubt I would have joined IS in its current state but the larger my collection the less reason to move on. If I were a mobile user I doubt I would have given it even a second look. If I were to watch porn on a phone I think I would just go with one or 2 sites that have video and photos? The mobile version does have competition ... and LOTS of it. Without customer satisfaction it wont be around long on mobile. at least not in any significant way.
My take on this is that those terms applied to the beta product, and only to the beta product. I see no promise that the beta product would have an unlimited lifetime. The change was not applied retroactively (though it may have seemed that way) but was handled just as described by
If the Product requires an Update at the time you launch the Product to access the Product, you will also have the opportunity to review and to accept or reject the current version of this License Agreement....
I don't like it - but I see no actual ***** of the terms.
I'm not putting one more cent into this App, I'll bet whatever you want that they will do the same for desktop in the future, basically taking away the content you already paid for@Thereon , I hope not but anything is possible. That will indeed be the day many members cease using this product. I hope there would be enough members remaining to make it a profitable change.
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