Un spectacle sur table de temps en temps me convient parfaitement, quel que soit le modèle, et nous pouvons tous profiter des scènes debout et de poteau de Jessica dans ses autres spectacles.
I can understand the disappointment of some people in view of the beautiful ass and long legs of Jessica.But you see them anyway and with a better zoom
...we feel like we’ve been sold short/cheated when the show actually arrives and we know we’ll never see how good the model looks making optimal use of the outfit, which in this case would be in standing/pole clips.
The issue here is that by choosing an outfit to put on a model that shows off and enhances the look of her incredible legs, hips, butt, and waist, totem is making us get excited and look forward to the show when we see how good the model looks standing in the photos, she might even become one of our favorites. Then, when the show arrives, we feel like we’ve been sold short/cheated when the show actually arrives and we know we’ll never see how good the model looks making optimal use of the outfit, which in this case would be in standing/pole clips.
In this case, if the model is never going to stand then why waste such an amazing “standing” outfit on a table show? Why not just put the model in a different outfit and there would be no issue? Us customers would not feel cheated and there would be no problem. I understand it’s a matter of taste but I think most people would agree.
Alors selon vous, les amoureux de cartes "Only Table" devraient se contenter d'un show où la fille n'est pas vêtue de manière sexy ?
So in your opinion, "Only Table" card lovers should settle for a show where the girl is not dressed in a sexy way?
. Pour autant que je sache, ce n’est que la deuxième table depuis novembre dernier.
. Pour autant que je sache, ce n’est que la deuxième table depuis novembre dernier.Quoi, cela m'avait échappé😳 Vite, créons un fil pour demander plus de cartes "Only Table"😊 What, that had escaped me😳 Quick, let's create a thread to ask for more "Only Table" cards😊
And as I can see from your post, it's the fact that this outfit is used in a table show that bothers you. Bad luck for you this time, sorry😉
At least we see her standing in some of the photos😒
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