Dorsai6 - 12 hour(s) agoNah, they passed 10 digits back in 1588 using their Super Computers...
Ah! Now I understand. I can just imagine the computer resources needed to factor every number and test to see if it's perfect. I wonder how far they've tested? I would guess somewhere around 10 digits.
#48 discovered in 2013, it is 34,850,340 digits long!
rhufus - 5 hour(s) agoYes, to the Uninitiated, VirtuaGirl would seem to be just a Porn Site...
The topics found in VG threads are amazing.
#48 discovered in 2013, it is 34,850,340 digits long!Lets see now, with 1 inch margins you can get 4389 characters on an 8.5 X 11 page using courier 10 font. That means the number printed out requires 7,941 pages or 26 volums of about 300 pages each which printed on two sides of 20# paper will weigh 158.8 pounds not counting the covers. I wonder if the digits meet any of the statistical tests for random numbers?
Worzel - 12 hour(s) agoAhh I never trusted Statistics..
I dare not ask how you guys would give a statistical analysis for one of our models :-)
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