A lot of experimental ideas
are happening with fullscreen at the moment
try this
I added some constants to control the speed and wobble of the board rotation.
yupsure, I meant mixing of shaders in da sprite nodexperiments..some examples here..👍
sprite {
source: Surfaces1, 0
source: Water1, 1
source: Greys, 2
clipSprite {
source: sClipA, 0
source: Greys1, 1
source: Greys2, 2
clipNameSprite {
source: sClipA, 0
source: Greys1, 1
source: Greys2, 2
Share your code so we can experiment with it.
Thanks @EverthangForever.
Small logo error at the ET stage - FractalGarden903.scn
logo: Info/small_logoFractalgarden914.png
and the ET scene - FractalGarden906B.scn
logo: Info/small_logoFractalgarden906.png
@mkst Pretty cool.Thanks!👍 😎
for(float i=0.,g=0.,e,s;
...other stuff
O.xyz+=5e-5*abs(cos(vec3(3,2,1)+log(s*9.)))/dot(p,p)/eis the root of the problem and I am unable to convert any in this style
for ( e1; e2; e3 ) { loop body };
for(float i=0.,g=0.,e,s; i<99.; i+=1.0)
...other stuff
I do not know why the code has been written in the way it has. It is valid but very unusual to use e3 in this way - normally it is used as part of the "loop control" logic in order to distinguish loop control from loop body.
The way in which e2 has been written. ++i<99 is also unusual as it is both incrementing the loop counter, i, and testing it.
I would replace this obfuscated code with a "normal" for loop
Thanks @Socialhazard - at my age keeping both ends up can be a challenge😜
Good to have such solid member😉
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