Having had a look around for a while for a few answers, I decided to just ask and be done with it. Any help is appreciated.
1. Is there any difference between the cards I receive through subscription and those purchased with credits? I only ask because it makes damn sure I know that a subscription gives me the FULL NUDE version of the card and I noticed on the settings menu that the five catagories are in order, Light Nudity, Topless, Full Nude, Explicit and X Rated.
2. What are the VIP girls? I found being a VIP is from collecting 300 cards, but I don't know what the VIP girls are, nor what else being a VIP does for me.
3. Are purchased credits interchangeably usable between VirtuaGirl and DeskBabes or is it a seperate purchase for both?
4. I read "demo" versions were kept forever but "trial" versions expire after five days. What's the difference? Where do I get demo versions? And why are the trial versions called demo's if there is a difference?
Thanks in advance.