iStripper 2.0 - reveal #2 : The Playlists

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Dołączył: Sep 2007

1737 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
I carried out the investigation for you on what awaits us in iStripper 2 regarding the playlists and what I discovered will really... really please you!!! 🥁🥁🥁

First, the ❤️ADD TO FAVORITE❤️ is back for the shows in your collection, thru a little ❤️directly on the cards.
--> All your favorite will be added to a specific Playlist accessible in a tab of "My Collection" section.

And this is exactly the place where you will sit comfortably: on the "MY PLAYLISTS" tab!
  • Click on "create", name your playlist (editable), chose a color, TADA!!!
  • Visit your collection, filter at will, right click your select, "Add to" your playlist (yes, it will work on multi-selection!).

Et voilà 👍 Oh! and indeed, a right click on your playlist will allow to fully manage it !

Worried about the playlists with the old format you had saved on your computer?
Don't! Not only you will be able to import them in the new system but it should even be done automatically for the playlists saved in vghd\data\playlists!

Yes, I know, our developers are amazing!🤗 Another proof in Reveal #3, stay tuned!

**non-contractual screenshots, functions likely to evolve further
Dołączył: Feb 2021

39 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Nice and nice! Love the favorite button 😍👍
Dołączył: Sep 2010

78 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Will playlists have the ability to play shows or clips in a certain order? I guess that's more of a "Now Playing" feature than a "Playlists" feature, but I'm curious anyway.
Dołączył: Apr 2021

166 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Man, when you guys said iStripper2 would be a complete rewrite, you weren't fooling! Very impressive!
Dołączył: Feb 2012

3 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Will you be providing an Alpha or Beta release? I would love to test it out if there is an early release channel!
Dołączył: May 2020

4 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Dołączył: May 2012

15 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu (edited)
Will you be providing an Alpha or Beta release? I would love to test it out if there is an early release channel!
Alpha Testing is already Done.
Beta Testing is been in progress for past 6 months on Discord.

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Call for Testers
Wszystko o iStripper / Call for Testers - TEST OPENING NOW
Dear Members, We are working on a brand-new version of iStripper with a new UI (user interface) and new functionalities. Some of them are ready already and we need your user experience and feedbacks o...
Dołączył: Nov 2008

21 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
When do we see the finished product?
Dołączył: Dec 2009

24 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Dołączył: Feb 2023

2 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Can you allow us to trade in girls we do not want to see? I have 135 girls in my delete folder. All of them are from events that I took part in. Some of them are good models but contain things that turn me off. Like a black dildo, hairy vagina, jeans, or bad storyline (girl sticks something into her ass and then into her mouth). I would love to trade them off at 50% credit or exchange 15 of them for a joker.
Dołączył: Mar 2009

2225 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
Can you allow us to trade in girls we do not want to see? I have 135 girls in my delete folder. All of them are from events that I took part in. Some of them are good models but contain things that turn me off. Like a black dildo, hairy vagina, jeans, or bad storyline (girl sticks something into her ass and then into her mouth). I would love to trade them off at 50% credit or exchange 15 of them for a joker.

The only cards that are tradable are the Dolz - NFT cards...regular iStripper cards are Not tradable.
Dołączył: Oct 2007

253 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
I like the Favorites and playlist feature. Do the Favorites play more often, randomly, when playing the general collection? I believe that's the way it was back in the day.
Dołączył: Aug 2008

6 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
I really like the sound of this new favorites and playlist features! 😎👍
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3814 post(y/ów)
10 dni temu
I like the Favorites and playlist feature. Do the Favorites play more often, randomly, when playing the general collection? I believe that's the way it was back in the day.

Clicking the Heart to add a card to the Favorite List, Dose Not change the Weighting factor of random Play.
It simply Adds or Removes the Card to a Special Playlist Called Favorites.

Dołączył: Mar 2016

958 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu (edited)
Mixed feelings...

I would have by far preferred a "My favorites" function to be organized as a filter in Collection page rather than as a playlist.

It has to be said, howewer, that playlist system looks to have been revamped in a form way less cumbersome and more user-friendly than once.

So, I think I might even give a try to Playlists function, which I have been avoiding for 8 years.
Dołączył26 dni temu

2 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
is that then a new product/software or do u update this one?
Dołączył26 dni temu

2 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu (edited)
if its a new product do u keep your cards after logging in?
  • nwm. lookt in the reveal #1 / for everybody asking the question it is: yes you keep them
Dołączył: Sep 2018

47 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
ca a l'air sympa mais ce sera une grosse update ou un nouveau logiciel a part du istripper 1? si c'est un nouveau logiciel que va devenir le 1er?
Dołączył: Jul 2008

4491 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
Il s'agit d'une mise à jour majeure de l'interface utilisateur, ainsi qu'un changement dans la gestion des playlists avec le tag "Favoris" notamment.
Tous les shows déjà produits depuis VirtuagirlHD en 2007 (sauf ceux retirés à la demande des modèles) et les anciens dans la collection Classique restent accessibles dans le Store et seront donc jouables avec la version 2.0.
La section NFT reste en place bien évidemment.
Dołączył: Dec 2019

91 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
The updated playlists feature looks very promising!
Dołączył: Jan 2008

151 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
Will a created playlist with multiple models in it be capable of playing in Full Screen with all available positions in the Full Screen Scene being filled with models? In other words, if I have a Scene for Full Screen that will use 7 models, will a Playlist with 7 (or more) models in it put 7 models in the Full Screen Scene?
Dołączył: Nov 2020

1138 post(y/ów)
9 dni temu
👍 😎
Dołączył: Mar 2008

3814 post(y/ów)
8 dni temu (edited)
Will a created playlist with multiple models in it be capable of playing in Full Screen with all available positions in the Full Screen Scene being filled with models? In other words, if I have a Scene for Full Screen that will use 7 models, will a Playlist with 7 (or more) models in it put 7 models in the Full Screen Scene?

Short Answer is YES
a Multi-Girl full screen scene can have all of the girl slots filled from a playlist.

A bit about Playlists
Playlists work a bit different now. They use a QUE
Select a playlist, then add the cards from the playlist to the QUE
Use the Que control for Looping and Random
The Que can be set to loop or Not, And it can be set to Random or Not

The Long Answer
The Multi-Girl scene fills the girl slots from ALL available Enabled cards and / or cards in the QUE.
So to Limit the scene to use JUST girls from a Playlist
you need to Disable ALL cards in your Collection.
Then Add only the Cards from the Playlist to the QUE
The Scene will then only Have the QUE to select from, as ALL other cards are Disabled.

here is a quick demo video
playlist of 12 cards for a Multi-girl scene
Dołączył: Sep 2007

1737 post(y/ów)
7 dni temu
This brand new version of the iStripper app has been renamed "iStripper 2.0" to avoid ***** about being a separate software than iStripper (1) :)
Dołączył: May 2012

1 post(y/ów)
7 dni temu
Will it work on windows 7
Dołączył: Nov 2007

2 post(y/ów)
7 dni temu
This may be in there already but I do have a suggestion.

An option to make the playlist "dynamic" and automatically add any new shows you acquire from the models in the playlist. For example, I have more than a few playlists with Leona Mia and Any Moloko in them. Since new shows are coming in from them, instead of having to manually add and update each playlist with each new show, instead there could be a toggle for that playlist to add the new shows automatically.

Definitely make this optional, so people could still maintain more specific playlists, but I think this option would be a great addition for people like me. I have so many models that I have been exclusively using playlists for years now. It does end up taking quite a bit of time to maintain them when new shows are added later.
Dołączył: Sep 2007

1737 post(y/ów)
4 dni temu
Will it work on windows 7

There will be no change in compatibility between iStripper 1 and iStripper 2.0.

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