Dołączył: Feb 2023

16 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
Hi, can I make a refund? I got a girl by accident
Dołączył: Mar 2019

1353 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
Please email support on [email protected] and they will consider it - but no promises. We don't sell on approval 😊
Dołączył: Feb 2019

1575 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
We don't sell on approval

He means iS does not sell.... The credits are not for him. At least I think😆😆😆
Dołączył: Jun 2011

469 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
Hi, can I make a refund? I got a girl by accident
Hey man, stop buying it's more simple 😎
Dołączył: Feb 2019

1575 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
Et @Sexy3DBoy, il est très rare que j'obtienne une fille par accident, généralement c'est elle qui m'obtient par erreur 😊 La pauvre, je sais... 😆
Dołączył: Jul 2020

1094 post(y/ów)
February 22, 2023
😆 I got dozens by mistake, mainly in those games we all love or ***** or both. 😆

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