You would have to hit Gold (40 cards) to unlock the older 720P only cards.
Get 10% off all FULL SHOWS... huh?
OKAY - where does it say GOLD 40+ allows you to see Models that Bronse and Silver user can not.
And these Models are on the Website - but not even DEMOed?
A fix is in order here!
I want to purchase Davon Kim (4 cards for 221 Credits) as a SILVER user.
Every user be able to see all demos of all models.
Bronze Users -- pay 3x the credit, for models who only appear above the 40+ GOLD user requirement, (75 credits for one full CARD) 800Mb show.
Silver Users -- pay 2x the credit, for models who only appear above the 40+ GOLD user requirement, (50 credits for one full CARD) 800Mb show.
Gold Users -- pay 1x the credit, teh regular 25 credit for models in this level, (25 credits for one full CARD) 800Mb show. And 10% discount on the models below the 40+ mark.
Diamond Users -- get a 15% discount on models below the 40+ mark, and regular for all other.
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