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swing clips in fullscreen backgrounds 2D

  Forum / Wszystko o iStripper

Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 21, 2015
When using the background 2D setting swing clips ends up with only the top of the ropes showing up just above the bottom of my screen.

Now I have changed the position for at what height the clips should appear on the screen, making the move up from the botten with about 2 cm.
So while it might be something I've done to cause swing clips to slide down under the screen, every other typ of clip does work find.

Instead it seams like the position for swing clips is set at the top of the image while the position for every other clip is set at bottom of the clips. This would cause swing clips to be pushed down below the bottom of the screen while all other clips is pushed up from the bottom of the screen.

So does anyone know why swing clips ends up below the bottom of the screen? Is it because I screwed something up with my changes? Is it because the clips uses different coordinates to set where on the screen they should appear?

And more importantly, does anyone know how to get the swing clips to be shown on the screen instead of below it?
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 21, 2015 (edited)
@Scytha..'Is it because the clips uses different coordinates to set where on the screen they should appear? '

Yes thats right !!

If you look in the scene file in your /data/scenes folder with notepad, you will see an entry in the xxx.scn script near the top, something like this:

clip {
id: Clip 3
allow: top
that means 'top' or swing is uniquely positioned compared to other models.
The vertical positions of swing, pole,taskbar etc. clips are all relative to how the scene graphics are laid out of course so its hard to know what your settings will be without looking at the whole xxxx.scn script.

'top' means swing, and only swing is allowed there.
the position is shown for example below as a y value of -1070 near the bottom of the script, looking something like this:

clipSprite {
  • pos: -750, -1070, 20
source: Clip3
standingHeight: 550
resolution: 20
material: true
ie: position pos: x, y, z
x being horizontal, y being vertical, (& if it was a 3D camera ) z being depth in pixels.
minus values are left, up, in
positive values are right, down, out
These * are the values to change the position of your model. In your case try a more negative y value
to bring the swing up. To see your changes you need to resave the file & look again on fullscreen. You can keep notepad and VG player open all the time. Just keep editing and resaving until you get it right. when you are happy with the result resave to a new name suffix. That way you will never overwrite your custom changes.

There is a tutorial based on Paris Penthouse Club SCN you can use to help you at:
Nie masz uprawnień do przeglądania tego tematu
(basic Scene construction tutorials)
Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 24, 2015 (edited)
Thanks EverthangForever for the reply.
Been reading up on the tutorials but there are some things that a bit fuzzy still, namely how instances of clips and clipSprites work.

From what I gather from your reply to make swing clips show up correctly I need create a clipSprite instance specific for swing clips with different position variables from all the other clips, right?
But here is what I'm wondering. From the tutorials and the paris scene creating multiple instances of clips and clipSprites leads to scenes with multiple girls performing at the same time.
But is it possible the create a scene where different types of clips (not different clips) such as top( the swing) and pole gets their own instance with their own varibles while still only having a single girl performing in the scene?

For example say I want all the swing clips to show up in the upper left corner while all other types of clips show up in the center of the screen at the same time all cage clips is only half the size of every other type of clip?
Is this possible to code using a single scene file and still allowing the VG player to randomize performances from every show in the collection?

I also did some expermenting. The only thing I changed from the default code for the background 2D scene was that I added a second clipSprite like this:

clipSprite {
pos: 400, 430
standingHeight: 400
source: Clip

clipSprite {
pos: 400, -80
standingHeight: 100
source: Clip

Now for some reason this is all that is needed to solve the problem with postitioning swing clips as swing clips seem to be played with the 2nd clipSprite while all other clips seems to be played by the 1st.
It isn't a workable solution as serveral other bugs pop up as a result but now you can see both swing clips and regular clips in the center of the screen.
However, what I can't understand is how the heck the player knows which clipSprite to use with which type of clip as neither clipSprite has any kind of pointer to the clip type?

Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 24, 2015 (edited)
Sure. For example in the Septet Fountain scene (above) there are seven performers
each clipsprite (model) you identify with a name id:
each clipsprite is declared at the start of the code above the camera

in the case of the swing clip i've given it an id: of clip3

clip {
id: Clip3
allow: top

Towards the bottom of the script you'll see the parameters for Clip3 as

clipSprite {
pos: -750, -1070, 20
source: Clip3
standingHeight: 550
resolution: 20
material: true

So you see 'source:' thats what you left out & thats how the Player knows what model to put there.
Only 'top' (a swing model clip) is allowed at placeholder for the name Clip3
and that clipspite's anchor reference is placed at
x = 750 pixels left of the screen center
y = 1070 pixels above the screen centre

You can download and extract to your ../data/scenes folder the ET - +SeptetFountain.scn from

Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 24, 2015 (edited)
@scytha..said...'But is it possible the create a scene where different types of clips (not different clips) such as top( the swing) and pole gets their own instance with their own varibles while still only having a single girl performing in the scene?

No you cannot have the same model in exactly the same position heightwise performing all types of clips ( ie: allow: top,inout,pole,table,cage,fronttable and still have swing accomodated properly in fullscreen. You also cannot have different clips of the same model appearing simultaneously in any multimodel scene (Totem's Rule)

If you did try to repeat say 3 different clip3 declarations with 3 different allows, then 3 instances of Clip3 parameter settings might try to play one of them, but you would get the dreaded Totem ..'NO CLIPS AVAILABLE' ..banner ;-(
Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015
Note: I'm not talking about making a multi-girl scene. I'm talking about making a scene that only shows a single girl at the time but where the player uses different variables for, for example, size or position depending on the clip type being played.
No you cannot have the same model in exactly the same position heightwise performing all types of clips ( ie: allow: top,inout,pole,table,cage,fronttable and still have swing accomodated properly in fullscreen. You also cannot have different clips of the same model appearing simultaneously in any multimodel scene (Totem's Rule)

Right, so if I understand that correctly it is impossible to write a scene that plays 1 single show at the time but where top clips has a different position from all other clips, or different sizes depending on clip type?
In other words it is impossible to write a scene that plays a pole clip from girl1's show at size 700 and position 400 before switching to a top clip from girl2's show with size 700 and position -1500 before switching to a taskbar clip from girl3's show with size and position of 400?

But what about making differnt scenes for each clip type? Like in the Paris Club where you have one scene file for multi, one scene file for sitting and one for standing.

Do you need to write some sort of master scene file linking all different scene files together or is it enough just to add all the files in the same directory for the player to read them?

Also is there some way to affect the order of the scenes?
Is the order fixed so for example in the Paris Club the player always plays, multi, sitting and standing in that order or is it randomized somehow?

Also is it possible to set the number of clips to be played by in one scene before switching to the next scene? So in the Paris Club examplet the player plays 3 clips in the sitting scene before switching to the standing scene where it will play just 2 clips before switching to the multi scene?

Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015 (edited)
@scytha said ...'In other words it is impossible....'
Its not impossible for you to play pole, top & table at the one placeholder. However, Its impractical.
At the code's clip declaration you can Allow: pole, top, table..or anything you want. There is only one Y (vertical) anchor point specifiable as the pos: (position) parameter per clip. Hence your swing lady will play but only be visible as the two hands that you see grasping the taskbar..Top's anchor reference is at top of the clipsprite.
The VGHDPlayer does not interpret you have allowed a swing to be there and make adjustments. It just lobs randomly whatever clip of one of the types that you have allowed, in that single anchor (pos:) point.
...'what about making differnt scenes for each clip'...?
Sure..Users make specific scenes to suit the type of clips they want to see just like, standing, sitting etc.
....'does one need to write some sort of master scene file linking...?'
There is no master scene linking others to play. All scenes independently call the correct path to the image files they require. Two things to note are..
  • ~ VGPlayer scene (SCN) files must be placed no deeper than one subfolder below your /data/scenes/ or the player won't see them.
  • ~ Sprite Paths pointed to in your scene's code declarations ('sprites' are just image files like jpg or png) must point to image files on the same folder level or any depth deeper than the subdirectory the scene file is in. To show the image on your fullscreen... Paths written to images cannot be found by the player across other directories like say.. other users image folders. Sprites files likewise cannot be pointed to in paths higher than the placement folder of your scene file (I'd like to get that changed one avoid all the duplications, :(
'... is there some way to affect the order of the scenes? '
Not a regular method to play scenes in order ..Its always randomized ..You mean without leaving fullscreen ??..hmm Totem have tried real hard to avoid this or the product would fast become like a predictable (eventually boring) movie. There used to be a way, but its somewhat limited in me if you must know.
'... is it possible to set the number of clips to be played in one scene before switching to the next scene? '
Setting clip numbers per scene...all clips are different lengths. The time setting per scene is only adjustable to a play minimum of 5 minutes and maximum of one hour. It will change the scene at the end of the last clip closest to your total time setting. Not before. Limiting a show's content is most often done by deactivating everything you don't want to watch in My Collection first and if you are Diamond member or higher, unchecking whatever clips per card you don't want using the VGPlayer's built-in clip manager.

Edit: @Wyld, @Mods this all shouldn''t be in Everything About Virtuagirls..may better in Tutorials ?
Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015
Okay, I think I got it all now.
I think I missunderstood you when you said it was impossible to have a model perform all types of clips at one height. I think I was thinking of number of clips not position. Never mind.
(Still, that totem rule about not showing diffrent shows of the same model at the same time is interesting, since it basically means they must have added some sort of variable key specificly to prevent that as such varaible would not fil any other function. I can sort of see why they did it though from a profit perspective.)

I also figured out why my test code using two clipSprites seemed to work. It was simply so that the player created two instances of the same clip at the same time or simply it played the show twice at the same time. Excep when one of the shows was always off screen because of the erroneous position. Still, it explains why it was so freaking buggy. (Interestingly it play two instances of the same clip required a lot less cpu/gpu than two incances of two different clips)

Gonna try to create several scene files for each type of clips and see if I can get better customization that way. Maybe use multiple copies of a few scene files to avoid that top clips is shown to frequently. Think you should be able to get a decent ratio that way.

About that time setting per scene function. where do I find that variable and how to I edit it?

Also is the player smart enough to pick the correct type of clip for a scene's permissions? For example you have a scene file out of several that is the only one that allows cage, would the player make sure a cage clip is played each time it runs the scene file even though the collection of clips might only include a single cage clip out of a hundred?

Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015
@scytha you have a good grasp of it now. happy coding 😉
Above pic is what I've always understood to be minimum/maximum single scene play the player smart enough ....'
Yes it is...the biggest mistake peeps make when they see the No Clips Available that they have inadvertently left their eroticism settings too low or left inactive a card they expect to see. Easy to overlook.
bon chance !
Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015
Okay, I thought that just affected the screensaver.

Another thing.
The new interactive VG shows have clips that doesn't seem to have a type. I found one that's just called Nude at start, several that just says magic and another that's just blank. None which seems to be played in fullscreen mode.
Is it possible to get them to play using a new type for the clip nodes to allow ?

Anyhow I just managed to customize the 2D background scenes so that all clips are played correctly, including behindtable and the swing.
Wouldn't been able to do it without the great help here. Thanks.
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 25, 2015 (edited)
The interactive loops ..dangling from something, spinning back to dressed magic etc. are all made for desktop use as treats for those members who like to move em around with mouse. I think they be excluded from F/S, i don't know if allow: interactive or magic say does anything. @Wyldanimal would know. If activating them requires a mouse, I'd say no, because our FullScreen doesn't have channel configurable in GLSL for that .
Dołączył: Jan 2008

1144 post(y/ów)
June 26, 2015

Well, this topic is about VirtuaGirls and the functionality of the software. This category is as good as any other for this topic. To me, it's in the category it belongs in.

We can relocate a thread to another category. However, as I'm sure you know, there's no such thing as a "Tutorials" category.

If you're refering to WA's thread Full Screen Mode - Examples - Tutorials - Scene samples, We can't relocate posts from one thread into another thread.
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 26, 2015 (edited)
there was a typo in the Tutorials link at top of page. Sorry about that
Full Screen Mode - Examples - Tutorials - Scene samples;foId=8&ftId=27410
Nie masz uprawnień do przeglądania tego tematu

If its possible for the OP to change the Title to more of a ..+Scenes+ Q&A of fullscreen it could be more useful.
and make fullscreen one word. Tutorials is halfway down the search results when i looked.
We've got the word 'Examples' and already have a Scene samples thread aplenty at
Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here;foId=3&ftId=29408&gotolastpage=1&pageNb=1
Wszystko o iStripper / Share your FullScreen - Member Created Scenes here
This thread will be Strictly for the member created Scenes for Full Screen and the Screen Saver. list of shared Scenes Thread Scene Discussio...
Dołączył: Dec 2014

10 post(y/ów)
June 26, 2015

I don't seem to be able to change the title.
If i could what do you suggest it would be?
Dołączył: Oct 2009

2522 post(y/ów)
June 27, 2015 (edited)
Sorry, my comment on titles was directed to @Wyldanimal, and his tutorial thread..not you.
Your thread Title is fine 😄 & shows up early on searches because you have made 'Fullscreen' one word

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