By default, the cards (both models and data folders) are installed in <user roor folder> / VirtuaGirl
I have tried to chage the folder in the application settings, but only the models part is moved. Is there any way to move the data part as well ?
Yes, but you'll need to modify the preferences file. That's what I did, but I had a bunch of reasons for doing it and I went through a lot of experimenting to make it work. What benefit do you see in moving your data folder?
Here is the simple how to, but it may not work:1. In the VG application in the Advanced Settings, be sure VG is set not to "Start at boot"
2. Shut down the VG application. Check your dock to see that it is really off.
3. Copy your current data folder to where you want it to be.
4. Open your Library folder. You can do this by holding down the option key and selecting Library from the Finder's Go menu.
5. Open the Preferences folder in the Library folder.
5. Make a copy of the com.totem.vghd.plist preference file and put it on your desktop as a back-up.
6. Double click the com.totem.vghd.plist preference file in the Preference folder,
NOT the desktop. This will probably open the Property List Editor if you have either OSX 10.10 or 10.9. Some older versions may open in Text Edit.
7. Find the system.DataPath property. It's about half way down. Notice that this path is formatted as a POSIX path, not an Apple path. It uses "/" as the name separator not ":". Also the path to a secondary drive must begin with "/Volumes/"
8. Note that the path to the models folder is two lines below. You can probably use that as a sample. Type or paste in the path to your new data folder. Be careful not to make any mistakes. Compare what you enter to the models folder path to see that the formatting is the same.
9. Save your revised preference file.
10. Close the Property List Editor.
11. Reboot your Mac.
12. Move your old data folder to the des