First I would like to say thank you to all who have welcomed me to the site. Your compliments and well wishes have been very sweet and greatly appreciated. Many of you have responded to my posts and have given me a lot of good tips and info about the site and the girls and again I thank you.
A lot of you adoring fellows have commented that my pics are too small. I am sorry to disappoint you, but I take most of my pics by myself. So it is much easier to use my webcam to take them, rather than the digital camera. You should see the ridiculous methods that I have to use to try to get the right angles, height, and lighting with the digital. It if often teetering on top of stacks of footstools, boxes, books, you name it. I have to break my pose to reach around to the back of the camera in order to reset the timer between each pic and to see if I like the image. Heaven forbid I should bump. Then I have to fight to fix the angel again.
This pic was taken for me. I hope you like it.