I. Buy
Okay, here’s the place where you pay for the dancing cuties. There are 3 ways to build your collection.
1. Payment options. Chose your payment method. The credit or debit card is the easiest way. Some of this payment options might not be available for your country. When in doubt, ask the Customer Service.
2. Credits. Chose the option that suits you better. Obviously, the more credits you buy, the cheapest it is. The credits are good for all the Totem’s products, including their other sites DeskBabes and VirtuaGuy.
Tip: If you’re picky, or you are not interested in getting a large or complete collection in the long run, credits might be the best choice for you.
3. Subscription. Again, the more time you commit the cheaper it gets.
Note: As long as you’re subscribed, you’ll get a full, complete show, everyday. Those shows are at random. You don’t get to chose them. That’s why it is the cheapest way. If you’re not picky and you plan to gather a big collection, this might be the best choice for you.
4. Booster Packs. These are thematic cards gathered in a 10 cards booster pack. You’ll get 10 shows not in your collection (except for the duos booster pack, which contains 6 cards), featuring some cute girls rated relatively high. For some reason, the booster pack choices are not available in the Buy page. You have to click in the banners to get here. This is a good complimentary way for adding cards to your collection.
Tip: If you replace the final number here (change the 3):
https://secure.virtuagirl.com/join.php?booster=3, you’ll quickly find all of them.
Brunettes booster=4
Big boobs booster=5
Stockings booster=6
Bikinis booster=7
Duos booster=8
5. Billers. Here you can switch between billers. Totem relies in these companies for payment. Chose what you like the most.
Tip: Unluckily, these companies are not as good as others providing services. If you are accustomed to great billers as Paypal, forget it. They are secure companies, no worries, but they have some weird policies. Hopefully you’ll never find any trouble. But one tip I can give you is to use credit cards not near to its expiration date. These companies are extremely annoying to get them to accept a different credit card once you bought something. Try to use a different credit card for both billers, to give you some choices.
6. The fine print. Read it. It’s amazing how many people buy something without reading what they are buying. ;)