감독 (Oliver Nanto): "Jia gives you a unique gift in this show (in addition to the dirty talk, many booty shakes, the perfect roleplay, her unique smile and her fairy beauty). She plays the ukulele and sings well, and despite she does not usually do it on sets, she shot for us two beautiful and cute passages, one dressed and one naked, with her favorite instrument. Great dance skills."
This show counts 15 clips divided in Standing 3, Pole 6 and On TB 6 (4 TB clips are xxx, together ± 18½ minutes). Bare feet in part of all cliptypes.
Starting Nude (just heels or skirt) one Standing, several Pole and one TB clip; starting Real Full Nude (wearing nothing) one Pole and one TB clip.
The ukelele is used in four clips: in one clip she plays a whole song. In the other clips it’s used for a short time like in the preview.
Jia Lissa looks good, both face and body. She is multitalented: speaks good English, plays an instrument, plays with her lips, sings a song,
has great dance skills and acting talents. With the folklike music song she plays and sings, she could have been a semiprofessional musician
in an Irish Pub. I liked this navy outfit (very nice top and skirt, very nice colours) with underneath normal panties and platform heels.
In the Standing clips Jia dances energetically, shakes her ass (twerking) and has great pleasure. In the Pole clips it’s clear that she is not a
Pole dancer, but with limited skills she makes the best out of it. She dances with varied steps around the Pole in a good tempo,
jumps sometimes and has fun. Good atmosphere!
About the TB clips: #clip12 starts with the ukele and Jia Lissa fully clothed. After a short time the ukele is put aside and Jia shoves her free
hand under her panties to start pleasing herself. Clip #13 starts with the panties on. Later a long fingermasturbation ending in a climax.
Clip #14 starts with the skirt and the tie on; further intensive masturbation with good views of her lips. A strong climax at the end.
Clip #15 starts nude with Jia playing a very nice melody on the ukelele and singing a little bit followed by playing with tits and lips.
How it ends? Jia in heaven? Customers climax???
The rating: Standing 5 (real, energetic dancing), Pole 5 (fun and pleasure), Taskbar 5 (ukele, dirty talking in good English),
Beauty 5 (face and body) and Outfit 5 (very nice costume. Total 25/5 = 5 stars. Unique show worth the higher price!!!
The Song of the Show is this time sung by Jia Lissa (#clip 4), while she accompanies herself on the ukelele.
~ The show’s made up of 15 scenes with 3 Standing, 6 Pole, and 6 Table. All XXX scenes (there are a solid 4) have audio, so we can hear every naughty thing she does with her fingers. My personal favorite is her cute skirt teasing where she does plenty of upskirt and flashing. This is the skirt flashing I’ve been looking for, a kind of secret fantasy of every person who’s put on a short skirt. And it helps that those panties are off for almost the whole show, another plus few girls seem confident enough to do. I highly recommend this show to everyone regardless of tastes, you will not find another who can sing, dance, flirt, strip, and cum all at once as good as her!
Btw, it's a really good idea to have the transition clips be remarkable / memorable - it was done here and with Kaisa Nord's show and it works.
body: 7
outfit: 10 (definately like this student outfit, hope have more student shows)
striptease (standing/pole): 10 (she good at dancing, also like to see her cute posture at every ending part of standing/pole clips
XXX: 8 (nice)
confidence/facial expression: Like her smile, so cute
Best part of this card is she sing and play Ukulele at istripper, she have music talent
The outfit is great!
Nipslips are awesome and super sexy in my opinion, combined with upskirts when she turns or dances, nudity clips are also pretty good In my opinion...
I just wish there were more musical clips, fell in love with that voice...
Great work on this card iStripper, kee them music shows coming!
wearing a really cute outfit with white cotton panties underneath
sings with her ukelele in clip #4
endearing in her dancing and tease
beautiful masturbation with her fingers in the xxx clips!
If her orgasms are not real, they are as close to real as I feel is possible while acting.
And for anyone who prefers blatant hedonism in reviews she has a great *****-face. lol
Of the 15 clips 4 of them were XXX and orgasm in each one. She used only her fingers in all 4 clips.
I think the director may have oversold this a little but it wasn't a disappointment by any means.
I am sorry Luna ...
I am sorry to all the amazing models...
There is NEW best girl in town.
They're also on her instragram site.
It's a good and sweet plus to be able also to see and hear her singing and playing... very appreciated. More of this, please! 5 stars.
That being said she has a beautiful body as well ;P
Amazing !!!
J'aimerais bien jouer de tous les instruments avec elle...
Une femme qui n'a pas peur de se faire du bien à l'écran.
Jouer de mon instrument,mouiller,jouirvavec elle,que du bonheur...
As for the show, I love the in panty masurbation and overall she keeps her heels in a good part of the XXX show.
And for the XXXshow I do not have a word to say that it's all that I like. Jia Lissa you are really amazing, I would have liked to be your companion
als nächstes tanzen sie hier noch mit einem bären ...
talent ja ja ...
unglaublich ...