hello @Max040
in first way store your password.
after go on start - program files - VGHD - uninstall.
if for one raison you not find the uninstall, then install again the program and the uninstall made valide and you can use it.
you can also store all the show, nobody can read if there have not the program, you can store again the shows on DVD !!!
ps for your love, made allusion to virtuaguyHD !!!! but carrefool made very easy and take your time.
other solution you can remove all nudity and stay only with dance. in small mode. that can be attractive and funy.
ps: you made nothing of wrong about your love.
now here one scenario !!!!
find a good friend who use VGHD and for this occasion VGUY, ask to rendez vous with your love, and ouppss the other friend forget to remove VGHD and your love see the little girl dance on the desktop !!!! is not your fault and your love know now the program exist !!!! never say i tel you this think she ***** me !!!!!!
have luck and funrious ;-)