To Add to above,
The App does have a built in Size limit for the Previews, and once this Limit has been reached, Older previews are automatically Deleted.
This size limit used to be 20GB of space.
There was a registry setting you could Add to Increase this built in default limit.
See this Post.
I have mine set to a very large size of 8TB so that it will never automatically Delete the Preview files.
Select the Branch
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\dlm_serverThen in the right Pane
RIGHT CLICK and Select NEW String Value
Rename the New Key, and Give it a value in bytes.
maxUserDefinedPreviewsBuffer = 8796093022208
Repeat for
maxDeletedDemoSize = 8796093022208
In Addition I believe there is a new Key that you can use to specify the GB size.
maxPreviewsBufferGB = 8192
Example Image: