***** update is broken...can't switch to stable, stuck with broken istripper. UI is mostly unusuable, previews are broken and no way to turn them off. Please step back to prior version.Finally other users are adressing what I allready reported: No way of turning off previews even with the unable button and unable to switch back to previous version without reinstalling
Broken here too. Worked to begin with but clicking on a random card on Collection page caused crash. Tried some tests. Once you have a card open, any attempt to click anything in other shows you own or other shows you can buy crashes the application.When I opened it again, both from system tray and complete fresh restart, the main window (store collection, forum etc) is now too big and obscures the links down the left i.e. I now nee Hor, Eve, Stor, Coll etc. They can still be clicked. In my customised theme I have widened the left picture window. It looks like the main window hasn't shifted over after the crash.Build Beta 1017 on Windows.Exactly same issues with crashes and UI here.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。