...we have decided to remove her shows, bonus photos and videos...
Maybe such action as removing a card from the collection should just block the future possibility to buy her cards,
but not downloading them again, when you already bought it earlier.
I still have those cards backed up, but of course I can't play them - which is fineIf you are unable to play the cards, you can ask for a refund.
This is all alot of management on my part, because it is difficult to keep up with what is happening. What would really nice is if my collection tab could have 'all' 'special event' 'historic' sections, where the historic section only show if you own removed cards; and shows all removed and pending removal cards..
It would also be nice to see a visual alert, like the red circle number, to show all pending removal cards
you don't have to understand what they say, it's all in the visual@Philours absolutely! Couple of iStripper shows I would miss (if I could remember them
I think I'm 6 weeks behind now and feeling fine.
Similar sites aren't likely as transparent, and you do not have a collection on similar sites, so lets say metart has 750 girls, a 4 of them have retired and asked for their stuff to be removed, you would never know. But when you "own" the cards, and they are in a collection and playlist them totem has to tell you.In my opinion istripper and Metart are not similar. While at Metart a monthly membership gives you a flatrate for all available content for one month, on istripper you pay per set, which makes me OWN a license for a set. On the other hand istripper is not a simple download where you are responsible for a backup yourself, but also requires a kind of online activation and synchronisation. And the later in my opinion brings not only DRM possibilities for the seller, but also obligations. Probably I expect too much and that's the reason why I use a streaming flatrate, but never bought a digital movie to own. But I have to admit that Totem is at least better than the movie industry.
And the later in my opinion brings not only DRM possibilities for the seller, but also obligations.
Do you think that Totem should break the law ?
No but the law as it is now should not exist.
She ask to remove all card from store and remove name but for customers already own the cards download is possible.
If I loss all backups Totem have to give back the credits.
I as a customer should not have to backup several times on several HD on several place to make sure I can play the show in the future.
No but the law as it is now should not exist.But it does exist - and it exists for a very good reason.
Which would only be possible, let alone practical, for a small proportion of the things that the law covers.
They do, if you tell them. It's your choice as to whether you want the credits or the card.
So what do you do for all those things that exist but the supplier has gone out of business.
So what do you do for all those things that exist but the supplier has gone out of business. You should always be backing up anything that you have bought.
I don't see any good reason other then people don't want to acccept the result of their decision/action.
As I see it the problem that the law is trying to address is that other people don't accept that previous decision. If we lived in a different universe where past follies were not disparaged to the extent that they hugely affect future prospects then such a law would not be necessary.
We should always remember that most girls that get into this business are about 18-20 years of age when they make the "big decision". It would be very harsh from us and others to say to them that "you made the decision for the rest of your life, now live with it." At that age anyone of us can make decisions that are not thoroughly thought out.
I think that definitely should be done upon request.
Having to take care of one's own backups is not really too much to ask for their peace of mind.
Sorry my English is not so good so i don't know what you mean with the second part.
i wil not blame someone today what he/she said/done a couple years ago as times change.
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