We have released a new reward for those who participate to our promotions! Named "Joker cards".
What's the concept?
A joker card is a voucher that you can exchange for any card of the store including the Special event cards.
How to win a Joker card ?
Joker cards are to be won during special games & promotions
How to use your joker card(s) ?
If you own a Joker Card, a button "Use my joker card" will appear : near the "Get her nude" button of any card from the Store near the "Special event card" stamp on any exclusive card not in your collection.
You can keep your joker card(s) forever, they have no time limitation.
You need to have at least version 1.2.234 (1.2.235 for Mac), to see & use your joker cards.
I'm really sick of these games. Just let me buy the darn joker and quit with the scratch offs and slot machines. ***** 10 of my last 20 credits on this junk. Now I have to re-up to buy any more cards, at least I HAD enough to get one more and Totem just took that away from me. Any Diamond or higher level member should be able to buy any of those "special event" cards anyway. I been on here since it was called Virtua Girl, but that counts for nothing apparently...
THIS. THIS is exactly what's needed. Level up your membership for special priveleges that let you AVOID having to play the games.
This would give Totem what they really want. The more loyal the member, the less they have to dick about with stupid games. Just let me buy the cards already.
If I'm not levelled up, I can play the game to win - as it's likely worth more to me then anyway, since my collection is smaller.
Once you have a large collection, unlock the buy ability with the usual price (or even a slight premium, I don't mind).
Anything but having to play tedious games just to complete my collection.
THIS. THIS is exactly what's needed. Level up your membership for special priveleges that let you AVOID having to play the games.I totally agree.
I do not know how
I just spent 10 credits on a scratch card (was only going to do 1) and got 2 S's. It said my prize was 100 credits. I didn't get them. Is this bugged? Do I need to report this to Totem or is this rip off working as intended?
On another note i forgot to mentiopn in the previous comment is that the bare minimum should be cards in 1080 res because we are spending our hard earned cash on this it does us no good to get cards from 2009 and have not aged well.
Hey, you can't lose if you don't play.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。