1. You will be requested to provide additional information in order to complete a purchase, such as your name, full address, credit card information or other payment information as appropriate to the selected payment method. Totem Entertainment solely relies on third party payment providers for purchases and do not store any credit card information.
2. In creating an Account, you will be given a unique username and password, which you will use each time you access the Product. You may not share your Account with anyone other than as expressly set forth herein, and you are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password and for any and all activities (including purchases and charges, as applicable) that are conducted through your Account. Please notify Totem Entertainment immediately if you become aware of any breach of security, including any loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure of your username and password.
3.The Account supplied to you is personal to you, and Totem Entertainment does not recognise and expressly forbids the transfer of user Accounts. You shall not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or make any such offer, and any attempt shall be null and void. Any distribution by you of your Account and/or your username and password (except as expressly provided herein or otherwise explicitly approved of by Totem Entertainment) may result in suspension or termination of your Account.
4. Suspension/Termination: By Totem Entertainment.Totem Entertainment RESERVES THE RIGHT TO SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY OR DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU, AND WITH NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND TO YOU. Accounts terminated by Totem Entertainment shall not be reinstated under any conditions whatsoever. By You.You may terminate your Account at any time, for any reason or no reason, by contacting Totem Entertainment.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。