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Community regulates? we should do one of them

  게시판 / 신회원 코너

Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 19, 2009 (edited)
hello all, have the best day, all day, and i hope lot of explicite this serie of card !!!! and i hope moderate totemrex24, because is needs to be moderate llloolll !!!!!! hello rex have a good day.
Joined in Mar 2008

2336 글
March 19, 2009

Phew !! What a Couple of Dogs !!!
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 19, 2009 (edited)
HHAAA the new version of virtuadog is done oufff TY !!!!!

regulate importante now all vicious go on virtuadog !

thank you Totem !!!!

1 days of shooting, 4 dogs were rescued and have been bitten 2 times !!

thank you Totem !!!!!

and I do not know why all dogs have ***** on my car.

Thank you Totem !!!!!!!!!!!
Joined in Mar 2008

2336 글
March 19, 2009
Joined in Mar 2008

2336 글
March 19, 2009 (edited)
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 19, 2009 (edited)
Me dite pas que rex coupe encore les clip cette fois. regulate 1, donner un jouez a rex et sortez les shows, je ne plaisante pas.

ps il faut un professionel de la vision pour couper les shows pas un commercial.

cote commerce je ne dit pas tu est super. tu arrive meme a nous balancer de la pub dans un show et encore personne n'a rien dit sauf peut être moi maintenant.

donc s'il te plait rex ne mélange pas ton travail avec un autre. et s'il faut couper demande a stan de le faire mais ne le fait pas toi. ou un stagiaire.

parce que franchement certain des shows donne l'impression d'un travail bacler et vraiment pas bon et en imaginant que l'ont a que cela, et bien on dit "ca fait pîtier".

désolé de faire ma lettre ouverte mais en plus comme tu ne lit pratiquement pas tes pm, je suis obligé de passer par la pour te joindre.

parle en avec herve aussi, je lui ai donner des petits conseils.

un conseil reste dans ce que tu sais faire. sinon seul tu ne sera plus le maitre de personne.

Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 19, 2009 (edited)
j'espere que tous ce que j'ai ecrit est faux et non a venue.
mais mon conseil de faire couper les show par stan par la suite tiens toujours.
ou un professionel de l'image. enfin c'est préférable que ce control soit fait par celui qui film.

ne m'en veux pas rex je dit toujours ce que je pense.
et malgre tout ton travail est extraordinaire, mais parfois il faut écouter les autres pour avancé. et j'espére que tu écoutera (un peu) !!!!
allez have funrious. et j'espere que c'est pas trop coupé !!!!
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 19, 2009
sorry I fall *****, have a good day and funrious, bye.
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 19, 2009
Sleep well @alerte, bye :-)
Joined in Mar 2008

2336 글
March 19, 2009
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 19, 2009
and this shoot she did show him ;-)
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009
ty all, hello have a good day.
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 20, 2009
hello goodbye @alerte; i have to open my shop ;-)
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009
have a good day @LuckyRene see you later. and have funrious.
Joined in Jan 2008

320 글
March 20, 2009
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009
nooooo !!!!!!
Joined in Jul 2008

25 글
March 20, 2009
Hi all! I've just been going through this entire thread and I must thank everyone for all the hillarious pictures! I've got many good laughs. :)
Joined in Mar 2008

2336 글
March 20, 2009

Regulate 993:
Prerequisite Pulling of Pudding !!!
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009 (edited)
hello and welcome @Isidorn, have funrious.

and thank you for your courage to read all ...... this mad thread !!!!

DD lol a small picture for not aprouve !!!!!
regulate, the small can say !!!!!!
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009 (edited)
arfff i must go drive, arfff not good time now in paris for drive !!!!!!

have all lot of good day. and funrious. and help me please to get the real history of all commercial action !!!!!
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 20, 2009
drive carefully @alerte, bye :-)
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009 (edited)
ty @LuckyRene 1 service is done, lol the next in 2 yours.

i have lot of car !!!!!
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 20, 2009
@alerte; i drive only one car at the moment, but it's a charismatic one ;-)
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 20, 2009
nice car @LuckyRene, but here in paris a have a little car, very pratique llloolll, lot of mad here.
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 21, 2009
@alerte; this is my daily car, in the city i drive on a scooter ;-))

BTW... i did just download PINK DISCO and Ariel again is very HOT!!!
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 21, 2009
but now i pic my spaceshuttle ;-))
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 21, 2009 (edited)
whaaaaa nice, you want i made a skin with the car?

lol yyyooouuuu fllyyy !!!!!!

ps: i can't scooter i drive my family !!!!!

no see again ariel pink disco lol a wait the program show me !!!!!
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 21, 2009
the scooter i use only during work time, with them i'm earlier where i want to be than driving with the car.
The Carisma i use for my girlfriend and me ;-))
Joined in May 2008

6514 글
March 21, 2009
have all a good day, i hope no bug for all, bye.
Joined in Sep 2008

1629 글
March 21, 2009
bye @alerte, than you will miss the girl i put on that other forum site now ;-)
have funrious

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