Orclover are you trying to ***** just about every possible racial, religious and political group in the US?
Orclover are you trying to ***** just about every possible racial, religious and political group in the US?
Orclover are you trying to ***** just about every possible racial, religious and political group in the US?
Blue is my favorite color
I think you misunderstand what we are ***** about. My comments are not aimed at individuals with any special sexual or religious preference. It's the totally fucked up system where everything has become a commodity that I react against. Now it's "fashion" to be politically correct and in this fucked up system smart businessmen and politicians use this to their own advantage. The ego of a few will ruin it for the rest of us... Pride has become big business on a global scale.
I'm all for personal freedom... it's when someone turns this freedom into a commodity to make profit that I freak out😜
So... I'm looking forward to July 14... can't wait to see what Totem want us to buy from them on Bastille Day😎 💰 💰 💰
True... but sometimes one need to ventilate ones frustrations😎
Keep Safe and Let the Ladies Dance
Sooo.... I like iStripper. The girls are hot. Don't tend to come to this forum for my political fix ;)
Can haz stripperzzz?
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