Hey there, I noticed a few weeks ago that the clip lists stopped working in the showroom. Were you aware of this?
maybe Totem can make clip information available for us to see in the IS store?Doubtful.
OOPS! This image can't be loaded.
To display this image you have to be registered user of iStripper and have this show in your collection. If you don't have an account yet, go to www.iStripper.com, download free software and become a member.
If you're already a member and if you own this show, go to iStripper website, login to your account and get back here. You should be able to display this image.
Even so, up to a point, I could get around this by using the img tag in HTML code.OT
Now, however, this method has stopped working.
What is the cause? I am not sure.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。