This year, I have distributed 100's of hours worth of work on this forum. I have been doing it mainly in the hope that it will encourage other users to distribute their creations as well so that we all benefit from each others efforts.Well said @Calgon
We, the Scene creators must be willing to allow our shared scene to be modified in any way the Member who has a local copy of it wants to.
Infact, if you share a scene file, you more or less are sharing it knowing, that members who download it will most likely make changes to it or modify it for their own enjoyment.
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
You can revert back to 1.2.360 once you are done Beta testing.
Forum Threadこの주제に関して見る事やデータへのアクセスは허가されていません。
also available on Discord
Discussion Thread
If you discover a Bug.
Please test it also in the Prior Version
So we can discover
if it was a Pre-Existing Bug
If it has been Newly Introduced by the New Beta.
// Original obtained from
// Adapted, from by Calgon
// Feathers in the Wind - by Martijn Steinrucken aka BigWings 2020
// Email:[email protected] Twitter:@The_ArtOfCode
// License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
// An effect created for a YouTube tutorial. You can watch it here:
// Part 1:
// Part 2:
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
// Remove alpha wherever the background is black @TheEmu and @Z22
col.a = smoothstep(0.0, 0.01, col.r);
if there is already an atributiuon you are not supposed to edit it at all. You did, that was the problemand nor is this:
Previously i have told calgon not to remove the original attribution on shaders
How to hide any image in a Scene File without editing the scene code..
1.) You might have to Examine the Scene code,
so you know what folder and what the name of the image is you want to hide.
2.) Find and Rename that image, by adding an X to the beginning of it's name.
To Unhide an image you hid
1). Rename the Image back to it's original name by removing the X from it.
How to hide any image in a Scene File without editing the scene code..
1.) You might have to Examine the Scene code,
so you know what folder and what the name of the image is you want to hide.
2.) Find and Rename that image, by adding an X to the beginning of it's name.
In this case / exception
you will have to Move the Image to a different folder:
1.) Create a new folder in the Scene Folder, maybe call it Backup.
2.) Move the Image from where it is originally, to this New Backup Folder.
You can Move it back then if you again want to see it.
Find and Rename that image, by adding an X to the beginning of it's name.
Just go into the scene folder (x) Feathers\Logo and rename the file (x)logo_fire.png to (x)logo_fire.pngx and also rename the file (x)logo_fire_small.png to (x)logo_fire_small.pngx
For "coastal" repeat the above only the folder is (x) Coastal\Logo
go into the file (x) Feathers\Shaders\Calgon\Feathers.fsh scroll down to line 32 and copy all of lines 32 to 39 and scroll back to the top and paste them back at the beginning.
For coastal the file is (x) Coastal\Shaders\Calgon\Coastal.fsh . Scroll down to line 43 and copy all of lines 43 to 50. Scroll up and paste them back at the top.
Find and Rename that image, by adding an X to the beginning of it's name.
Or rename it by adding a X (or something) to the end of its extension (file type) so that it is no longer recognised as an image file. That works even when the scene is picking images at random from a folder.
😲 😖 😆
Maybe only feed the best images? I may have to try out something like that but to come up with a person that doesn't exist. Weird Science stuff, you know.😕 😂 😎
Automatic 1111 is free.
sprite {
size: 1, 1
source: textureA
// source: textureB
shader: Vertex, ...
shader: Fragment, ...
Is there a way to include two textures into one sprite's fragment shader?
Is there a way to include two textures into one sprite's fragment shader?
sprite {
size: 1920, 1080
pos: 0, 0
source: Sweet,0 // combine 0
source: Stage,1 // combine 1
shader: fragment, Shaders/Combine-Exclude/combine2.fsh
blend: false
#version 140
#extension GL_ARB_compatibility : enable
#extension GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions : enable
#extension GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced : enable
// get inputs from scene
// if an input is missing it will default to 1.0
uniform float zeroPercent;
uniform float onePercent;
uniform float mixPercent;
uniform sampler2D texture0;
uniform sampler2D texture1;
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[];
void main(void)
vec4 vTexCoord = gl_TexCoord[0];
float mixP = 0.0;
float oneP = 0.0;
float zeroP = 0.0;
highp vec4 zero = texture2D(texture0,vTexCoord.xy); // input zero 0
highp vec4 one = texture2D(texture1, vTexCoord.xy); // input one 1
// test all the inputs, if 0. then set to 1.0
if (mixPercent == 0.) {mixP = 1.0;} else { mixP = mixPercent;
if (onePercent == 0.) {oneP = 1.0;} else { oneP = onePercent;
if (zeroPercent == 0.) {zeroP = 1.0;} else { zeroP = zeroPercent;
// combine the inputs using the percentage values
gl_FragColor = ((mixP * ( (zeroP * zero) + (mixP * one)) ) * gl_Color);
gl_FragColor.a = (one.a * zero.a); // make the alpha the combined apha of both input channels
source: textureA, 0
source: textureB, 1
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内の주제に参加したり新しい주제を作ることはできません。