Pole filter setting  

  掲示板 / 新会員コーナー

Joined in May 2017

2 投稿
March 10
It would be wonderful if we had a pole removal setting.

I know it would be a ***** to go through all your shows to make that change but..One can dream ;)
Joined in Mar 2008

1393 投稿
March 10
If you do not like pole clips, you can disable them:

Go to settings, make sure advanced settings is checked.
Scroll down to 'display'.
Put a check mark to 'display clips list'.

Then, on any card, you can view the clips list.
In the clips list, simply remove the check mark from each item with 'Pole' as the first word.
This disables the clip.
There is no way to do this within the app for all cards at once.
Joined in May 2017

2 投稿
March 18
Thank you !


iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内のトピックに参加したり新しいトピックを作ることはできません。