To download any banner, just open your favorite web browser, go to and login to your account.
Then go here:, all images and video files can be saved by right clicking on the image/video and choosing the "Save image as" or "Save video as" option. This will not always work with images because images can be covered by another - sometimes invisible - html element with the use of CSS. How to save such image?
Most of the modern browsers have something called "Developer Tools", where (among other things) you can find all images and videos used on the website. Press [Ctrl + Shift + I] keys to open Developer Tools. Browser's window will be splitted into to parts: left part with your webpage and right part with tools for developers. Look at the right part (Developer Tools) and select the "Network" tab at the top (screenshot). You can filter out only images or media files using the "Img" and "Media" filters.
Every image has a preview, so it is easy to find the one you're looking for. You can save any image by right-clicking on its thumbnail and selecting the "Save image as" option.
1: If you see an empty list under the "Network" tab, just refresh the page using Refresh button or press F5 on your keyboard.
2: Sometimes the image/video you see on the webpage will be not visible on the list (it could be loaded from cache). Look for the image on the left side of the window (where the website is displayed), click with the right mouse button on selected image and choose "Inspect". Developer tools will take you to the "Elements" tab. The HTML element containing selected image will be highlighted. You can now inspect the element. There should be direct URL to resource you're looking for.
3: The new Medusa's banner is not a simple image. It is a video in webm format (note the motion in background). If you want a static image, you can now download it from
www.isworkshop.eu4. Some of the banners are also available on the affiliate site: If you look at the Eve Sweet's banner (Squirt All) or The Red Fox's banner (Foxy Rabbit) - there is a sentence "An XXX Parody" on each of them. I'm not native english speaker, but shouldn't there be "A" instead of "An"? Correct me if I'm wrong.