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CashBack & Twenty Five Q&A

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Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 17, 2021
J’ai aussi remarqué que la barre de progression ne bouge pas avec l’offre de cashback
confirmé, normal, ce n'est pas un bug
confirmed, normal, this is not a bug
Joined in Sep 2016

72 投稿
May 18, 2021

Since you finally admitted cashback is our favorite promotion.
But there is also another big favorite, the $100 package with 20% bonus credits. Why don't you wake this up also? The top 2 favorites at the same time. wooo hooo
  • blink* *blink*
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)
Since you finally admitted cashback is our favorite promotion.
But there is also another big favorite, the $100 package with 20% bonus credits. Why don't you wake this up also? The top 2 favorites at the same time. wooo hooo
blink* *blink*

Almost certainly because if these particular promotions are repeated often enough to be relied on then they can be expected to reduce Totem's income rather than act as a spur to sales - in effect becoming almost equivalent to a permanent reduction in price.
Joined in Sep 2016

72 投稿
May 18, 2021
If my memory is correct, i think this only happened once that we had Cashback-4 and the 20% reload bonus (no $100 package tho) at the same time. It was back in September 2019.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)

I was speaking about the individual offers, as both are going to be relatively rare (for the reason I gave in my previous post) the combination is going to be even rarer. That particular combination may well have turned out to be too generous.

You should also remember that when a compamy, any company, makes a "special offer" the purpose of the offer will, with vanishingly few exceptions, be to benefit the company not its customers. Though of course the benefit to customers will be emphasised that is not its prime purpose but is part of the mechanism by which it benefits the company (almost a side effect). If an offer is too generous, or lasts too long, or is repeated too often then it can easily be detrimental to the company - if it wadn't then it ias arguable that a simple permanent price reduction without the special offer would increase profits. (Some companies have disguised what are really lower than nominal prices as as permanent "special offers" in an attempt to have it both ways).
Joined in Sep 2016

72 投稿
May 18, 2021

You should also remember that when a compamy, any company, makes a "special offer" the purpose of the offer will, with vanishingly few exceptions, be to benefit the company not its customers.
In the context of Totem, i agree with you. The gambling games and scracthcards are examples that support your statement.

If an offer is too generous, or lasts too long, or is repeated too often then it can easily be detrimental to the company
In the context of Totem, i only partially agree with you. For Cashback, It may be true if this promotion is repeated too many times it might lose that appeal. However, there are promotions that have been repeated far more times during this year and didn’t seem to be detrimental to Totem: Progressive Packs (38% overall discount), Wheel of fortune (37-40% discounts according to my purchases), Free Packs (45%), and the most repeated promotion Slot machine had me collectively saved 45% on cards. These promotions offer far more savings that cashback (20%), but cashback wins over because of the ability to choose the cards.

if it wadn't then it ias arguable that a simple permanent price reduction without the special offer would increase profits. (Some companies have disguised what are really lower than nominal prices as as permanent "special offers" in an attempt to have it both ways).
Except that totem is NOT making profit by selling cards. Their profit already ocurred long before, it happened when you reloaded credits. And when you "buy" a card what you are really doing is redeeming it with your credits, 25, 13.75, 11, 0, it doesn’t matter. There is no price reduction but rather a credit reduction because there is no real money involved in the transaction of getting a card.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)
For Cashback, It may be true if this promotion is repeated too many times it might lose that appeal.

The effect that i am referring to is the exact opposite - it would retain it appeal at the expense of full price sales.

Except that totem is NOT making profit by selling cards. Their profit already ocurred long before, it happened when you reloaded credits. And when you "buy" a card what you are really doing is redeeming it with your credits, 25, 13.75, 11, 0, it doesn’t matter. There is no price reduction but rather a credit reduction because there is no real money involved in the transaction of getting a card.

True - but when you spend credits you bring forward the time when you have to buy more. Averaged over many customers if a special offer increases the rate at which credits are spent it will also increase the rate at which those customers spend real money on buying credits. The effect on income is not as direct as if we spent cash on each purchase, but just as real.
Joined in Aug 2010

280 投稿
May 18, 2021
Technically speaking it is true. However the less cards you can redeem the more often you will have to reload. Some may allow a fixed credit per month but some will reload more.

Also I agree about the fact that people tend to prefer the promotion where they are able to choose cards. Loooong time ago there were thematic packs of ten cards you could buy with some discount. They were picked randomly without being able to switch but in a given thematic. That was really a good compromise and I built large part of my collection with it. Never really understood why they stopped.

Maybe @Wyldanimal or @Cartref can refresh my memory.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021
Loooong time ago there were thematic packs of ten cards you could buy with some discount. They were picked randomly without being able to switch but in a given thematic. That was really a good compromise and I built large part of my collection with it. Never really understood why they stopped.

I also built a large part of my initial collection that way. I suspect that they were too popular and had too much of an impact on full price sales - it is certain that they significantly reduced the amount Totem got from me.
Joined in Sep 2016

72 投稿
May 18, 2021
True - but when you spend credits you bring forward the time when you have to buy more. Averaged over many customers if a special offer increases the rate at which credits are spent it will also increase the rate at which those customers spend real money on buying credits.
Si señor, that's exactly the "evil" master plan of these promotions. To ***** your credits and to buy more credits, the sooner the better

However the less cards you can redeem the more often you will have to reload.
In my case, at the beginning i was very picky with my purchases. I remember that my first purchase 500 credits, lasted quite a while before my second reload. 25 credits per card was too expensive for me. Then when i hit double diamond level it is when i started to reload more often.
Joined in Jul 2020

1170 投稿
May 18, 2021
cashback is our favorite promotion ... another big favorite, the $100 package with 20% bonus credits
That particular combination may well have turned out to be too generous.
Just too greedy I think. My guess is whoever at Totem suggested running the two together previously got a proper telling off from the boss. We have a good promo and should make good use of it.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 18, 2021

cashback est notre promotion préférée ... un autre grand favori, le paquet de 100 $ avec 20% de crédits bonus
Cette combinaison particulière s’est peut-être avéré trop généreuse.
L'association des deux promos ne serait pas plus extraordinaire maintenant que lors d'un autre moment. Le cash-back ne donne que 20% de ristourne après tout (pour des cartes de même niveau)
Ce n'est pas une promo dont j'***** car elle ne correspond pas a mon comportement d'achat sur iStripper
Pour certains je comprend qu'elle puisse être intéressante mais certainement pas pour tout le monde.
Le bonus pourrait très bien apparaître vendredi, cela ne me surprendrait pas 😉

[quote] cashback is our favorite promotion ... another big favorite, the $ 100 package with 20% bonus credits [/ quote]
[quote] This particular combination may have turned out to be too generous. [/ quote]
The combination of the two promos wouldn't be more extraordinary now than at any other time. Cashback only gives a 20% discount after all (for cards of the same level)
This is not a promo that I ***** because it does not correspond to my purchasing behavior on iStripper
For some I understand that it can be interesting but certainly not for everyone.
The bonus could very well appear on Friday, that wouldn't surprise me 😉
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)

The combination of the two promos wouldn't be more extraordinary now than at any other time. Cashback only gives a 20% discount after all (for cards of the same level)

The conversation was about making this combination more common. As a rare event the temporary effect that it has can increase both the number of cards sold and the profit from those sales, as a too regular event it is more likely to increase the number of sales but decrease profit.

Also. it may have been the case that the last time it occurred that it was too generous - i.e. it did not increase income that week but reduced it relative to alternative special offer possibilities. If so it is unlikely to be repeated.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 18, 2021
Les bénéfices seront toujours présents, rassurez vous. Comme toute promo, elle est destinée a booster les ventes et c'est ce qu'elle fait. Les dépenses seront supérieures car certains achètent alors plus qu'ils ne le ferait sans ces TGIF's
The benefits will always be there, don't worry. Like any promo, it's meant to boost sales and that's what it does. The expenses will be higher because some then buy more than they would without these TGIF's
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021
To expand on my previous post.

If, as seems likely, the Cashback special offer is highly effective in triggering the purchase of credits then this is probably a poor choice, from Totem's point of view, to couple with offerring extra credits when buying them. If people are buying more credits anyway then there is less of a reason to make them cheaper.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 18, 2021
Si, comme cela semble probable, l’offre spéciale Cashback est très efficace pour déclencher l’achat de crédits
Aucune certitude sur cela. En tout cas pas pour moi.
Et pour vous non plus @TheEmu en tant que collectionneur possédant toutes les cartes , je pense 😉
No certainty on that. At least not for me.
And for you too @TheEmu as a collector owning all the cards, I think 😉
Certaines offres comme les "Crazy Week" provoquent certainement plus d'achats de crédits( je pense) et sont parfois associées au bonus de recharge
Some offers like "Crazy Week" certainly cause more credit purchases (I think) and are sometimes associated with the reload bonus
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)
No certainty on that. At least not for me.
And for you too @TheEmu as a collector owning all the cards, I think

But the important thing is the overall effect on the customers considered as a whole, not on some much smaller rather atypical sub-set of them.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 18, 2021
But the important thing is the effect on the customers considerd as a whole, not on some much smaller rather atypical sub-set of them.
Mais si vous enlever tout ces sous-ensembles, je ne sais pas ce qu'il reste comme "majorité"
Je ne pense pas qu'elle soit si importante que cela.
Mais qui sait ? Comme toujours, seuls les chiffres de totem pourraient être révélateurs 😊
But if you remove all of these subsets, I don't know what is left as "majority"
I don't think it's that important.
But who knows? As always, only the totem figures could be revealing 😊
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021
But if you remove all of these subsets, I don't know what is left as "majority"

It doesn't need to be a majority each week - a different sufficiently large sub-set each week - attracted by different special offers - will average out to a majority over a number of weeks.
Joined in Feb 2019

1656 投稿
May 18, 2021
pas sur certains sous-ensemble beaucoup plus petit plutôt atypique d’entre eux.
un sous-ensemble suffisamment important chaque semaine
Désolé mais il me semble qu'on ne se comprend pas bien . Difficulté de traduction certainement 😟
Sorry but it seems to me that we do not understand each other well. Difficulty of translation certainly 😟
Enfin bref, si il y a un sous-ensemble suffisamment important chaque semaine , alors comme je disais au début, il n'y a pas de moment ou le bonus serait plus profitable ou moins profitable aux clients ou a totem.
Anyway, if there is a sufficiently large subset every week, then like I said at the beginning, there is no time when the bonus would be more profitable or less beneficial to customers or totem.
Joined in Jul 2012

3309 投稿
May 18, 2021 (edited)
It would be sub-optimal (for Totem) when it combines with an unusually popular other offer. It is optimally paired with a less generous offer.
Joined in Feb 2015

40 投稿
May 20, 2021
Over 1000 credits spent and no special event card...

Not even a 150 credit win.

Joined in Dec 2019

383 投稿
May 20, 2021
Cashback for the 5th card is just a Special offer that was alike two times in the last year.
Before was with 4th card back, if I'm not mistaken.
Stop thinking that it is a part of a game!! Is illogical.
5th card offer have the same folder only because is an event.
If you are older then this year, you should know this already!!
Joined in Dec 2019

383 投稿
May 20, 2021
Over 1000 credits spent and no special event card...Not even a 150 credit win.👎

At Cashback for 5th card?
Joined in Jun 2008

33 投稿
May 20, 2021
In that moment, you purchase your 4th card, with the 5th in mind (a more expensive one), and .... the sudden realization that you purchased the more expensive one first, and viscioiusly try to click undo or cancel...

Yet theres no undo button...

Lessons learned. Guess in my head I was still remembering when it was buy 4, and cashback for the 4th

For those of you that haven't been through this promo before, make sure that your "cashback" card is the most expensive on your wishlist.
Joined in Sep 2016

72 投稿
May 20, 2021
Im assuming you spent 1000+ credits on the Twenty Five game

but, oh my oh my! i would have stopped at 150credits if i won nadda. You must be desperate to get that SEC :(
Joined in Feb 2020

77 投稿
May 21, 2021
"Free cards are replaced by 15 credits if you own all the cards", you can read in the game rules.

Why they don´t get just a gift card then?
Joined in Aug 2010

280 投稿
May 21, 2021
Maybe because gift card allow you to redeem more expensive cards with milk pouring or whatever famous pornstar inside. In fact in my understanding the 15 credits neutralize the played round by giving back the initial ticket cost.
Joined in Feb 2020

77 投稿
May 21, 2021
In fact in my understanding the 15 credits neutralize the played round by giving back the initial ticket cost.

Yes, but it´s a lack of fairness. When I "win" a card. I get a 8.80 cr or an 11 cr card and payed 15 for it. What a win, lol!

This means if your collecton is full, you get 15 cr back. If your collction isn´t full you get 8.80 cr, 11 cr or 13,75 cr back, in form of a card you maybe don´t even want to own.


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