HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\parameterslocate the variable named "ForceAnim" and change its value to, lets say, "f0036_sc1_it08_9101.vghd" (use the file name you want to play as its value).
Yes, there are some tricks.
The simplest trick is to put the file name to registry.
Assuming you know how to use Registry Editor: open Registry Editor, locate this key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem\vghd\parameterslocate the variable named "ForceAnim" and change its value to, lets say, "f0036_sc1_it08_9101.vghd" (use the file name you want to play as its value).
2nd: use Custom Playlist Manager from @Starryk or Playlist Generator from @Dorsai6. If I remember correctly, their apps allowed to create playlists consisting of transition clips and play them in full size.
3rd one is described here:
My Bad, I misread the Title...
My Clip Player can not be used with FullScreen Scenes..
Not Since a couple years ago...
The Control to Start a Full Screen Screen with a Clip Name Pushed to it
has been non-Functional for a few years.
You would have to Create a playlist .vpl file with IT clips in it.
And Currently, you have to use a 3rd party app to do that.
Then Insert that Playlist into the Next list on the Now Playing Tab.
Then Start Full Screen, so it uses the Playlist.
iStripper の無料ユーザーはフォーラム内のトピックに参加したり新しいトピックを作ることはできません。