I'd like more Level 5 clips in the regular iStripper Cards.I totally agree.
It's no fun to watch her get hot, and then not have the Cherry On top of the Sundae..
and the iStripperXXX series, has gotten too watered down... Not enough level 5 Clips
2 or 3 clips in the XXX product is not enough per card.
I'd like more Level 5 clips in the regular iStripper Cards.
It's no fun to watch her get hot, and then not have the Cherry On top of the Sundae..
and the iStripperXXX series, has gotten too watered down... Not enough level 5 Clips
2 or 3 clips in the XXX product is not enough per card.
7 cards a week, it should go 3 and 4 then 4 and 3, or 5 and 2 and then 2 and 5...
Over the course of the year, I think it works out to be about a 60 / 40 split..
60% iStripper and 40% iStripperXXX
2018 - 358 cards
214 iStripper = 59.8%
144 iStripperXXX = 40.2%
2019 - 214 cards
121 iStripper = 56.5%
93 iStripperXXX = 43.5 %
@Wyldanimal what about 2017, 2016 heck 2015. I for 1 trust your mathThe topic is about iStripper Turning XXX
I'm very happy with the 60 / 40 mix of the two products.I agree to this too.
I think that is a good balance.
edit by MOD
Thanks. The 2017 % have been corrected.
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