Register with your existing account in case of new install  

  掲示板 / 新会員コーナー

Joined in Sep 2007

1693 投稿
February 28, 2019
If iStripper has been uninstalled from your computer, you need to install it again and register with the same account as you had before, otherwise, you won't recover your collection.

To do so:
  • Download the latest version from the site & install it.
  • During this new install, you will get a page with a big "welcome".
--> Press the "Already a member ? login here" grey text that appears below the button "Continue" on the welcome page
  • Enter your username & password.
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
February 28, 2019
Traduction française :
Si iStripper a été désinstallé de votre ordinateur, vous devrez le réinstaller et vous enregistrer avec le même compte que précédemment, sinon, vous ne retrouverez pas votre collection de shows.
Pour se faire :
    Télécharger la dernière version depuis le site web et lancer l'installation
    Pendant l'installation, vous verrez une fenêtre avec un grand "bienvenu"
    Cliquer sur le texte en gris "Déjà membre ? login ici" qui apparaît sous le bouton "Continuer" sur la page de bienvenue
    Entrer votre nom d'utilisation et votre mot de passe.
Joined in Apr 2008

7 投稿
March 17, 2019
I had an account here for a long time and uninstalled it over this past summer. When I went to sign in again I forgot my password so had to make a new one via the email and did and making a new password. I did that and have gotten on my profile page, where I can access old private messages, it says how many models I have, 616, and my credits remaining but I am not able to see any models in my collection nor have I been able to download any models to dance on my desktop as of yet. Looking for help please. Thank you in advance.
Joined in May 2016

390 投稿
March 17, 2019

Did you download and install the iStripper application?

Logging in online will allow you to view the forum and messages but you cannot download or run the model cards from there.

Also, unless fixed recently your password must be only letters or numbers but no special characters. Ironically the online website will accept the special characters but the application will not.

Once you install the application and register with your username and password you should be able to start downloading your cards and play them afterwards.
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
March 18, 2019
As you have no installation of the software, you can't play or purchase the cards. Download and install the software to use your cards.
Joined in Mar 2008

3800 投稿
April 22, 2019
It seems @HotDiva has Installed the software on March 27th and all is well...
@HotDiva Just forgot to update the status in this thread and left everyone hanging....

Joined in Sep 2011

1 投稿
May 7, 2019
Just trying to reload, have all my user names/passwords, have found 'My collection' but still NO girls on my desktop, what do I do next??
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
May 8, 2019
Have you enabled all the filters on your My Collection tab ?
Joined in Nov 2014

1033 投稿
May 8, 2019
@DemonChris17 Hi, please send me some screenshots of your software's pages showing 'My Collection' tab and your software' settings to [email protected] Thank you
Joined in May 2019

1 投稿
May 17, 2019
bonjour a tous
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
May 18, 2019
Bonjour @drawde39 bienvenue sur iStripper, j'espère que tu vas bien profiter de toutes les jolies filles à ta disposition sur ce site 😊
Joined in May 2019

1 投稿
May 23, 2019
Hello there
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
May 23, 2019
Welcome here @G0144
Have fun on iStripper 😀
Joined in Jul 2019

2 投稿
September 3, 2019
купил девочек а как запустить не знаю ,помогите
Joined in Nov 2014

1033 投稿
September 3, 2019
@serjic2159 Здравствуйте, пожалуйста, зарегистрируйте тикет через службу поддержки или отправьте нам письмо по электронной почте [email protected]. Пожалуйста, предоставьте все детали, ваше имя пользователя. Мы свяжемся с вами в ближайшее время. благодарю вас
Joined in Sep 2012

1 投稿
September 21, 2019
Also, unless fixed recently your password must be only letters or numbers but no special characters. Ironically the online website will accept the special characters but the application will not.

OMG Thank you so much. Having trouble with that for about two weeks now...
I changed my password several times, before trying to find a explanation on the forum.
Joined in Mar 2016

950 投稿
September 21, 2019 (edited)
Ironically the online website will accept the special characters but the application will not.
That should be reported in Bug and Fixes section.
Joined in May 2009

3 投稿
October 3, 2019
Merci, Céline, pour le message du 28 février. Malheureusement mon antivirus (Bitdefender) bloque toute tentative de récupération de mon compte. J'ai beau désactiver momentanément pare-feu et autres fonctions. Istripper serait-il devenu une réserve de virus et une grave menace pour la vie privée ? J'en doute, étant abonné depuis 2009...
Joined in May 2009

3 投稿
October 3, 2019
Ouf, j'ai réussi à apprivoiser le Cerbère. Merci encore !
Joined in Sep 2007

1693 投稿
October 3, 2019
@Henrijo : Bitdefender continue-t'il à nous bloquer ? que dit-il exactement svp ?
Joined in May 2009

3 投稿
October 3, 2019
Bonjour Céline. Le motif du blocage était : "grave menace pour la vie privée". J'ai débloqué en casant l'adresse du site dans la liste des "exceptions autorisées" et tout va bien maintenant. Merci de votre attention.
Joined in Dec 2019

1 投稿
December 30, 2019
I used Alt-space to try it out. I assume that I use Alt-space to turn it back on. It brings up a window asking for my password. I wrote it down when I registered, so I know I have not forgotten it. It is also only letters and numbers. Nonetheless, it says that the password is wrong. I went through the recovery process several times, resetting my password and go a message that my password had been successfully changed. Yet, when I type in my new password, it says that it is wrong. In any event, when I check my profile it asks if I want to logout, so I must be in. Still no girls. I can check which cards I own, and even select them, but it is not the full application (I cannot change the size, etc.) also , it is only the preview. where do I turn now?
Joined in Oct 2010

1111 投稿
December 30, 2019 (edited)

When it asks for the password try


That is a built in default password to stop other users on your PC from starting the app.

It cannot be changed but it can be turned off on the settings page.


If not you will have to contact support. I think they are nornally available 8:00am to 6:00pm (Central European Time) Monday to Friday but with this being a Holiday week I am not certain.
Joined in Aug 2019

3 投稿
January 17, 2020
Ouf, j'ai réussi à apprivoiser le Cerbère. Merci encore !
Joined in Aug 2019

3 投稿
January 17, 2020
Yes! Thank you for this news!
Joined in Feb 2020

1 投稿
February 23, 2020
can this also be downloaded to my ipad also ?
Joined in Jul 2008

4484 投稿
February 23, 2020
Welcome to iStripper 😀
The software works only under Microsoft Windows (XP, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10) and MacOS. It doesn't work under iOS and Android.


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